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Horizon on TV tonight


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Hi just been watching horizon on TV tonight to do with parallel universe for about half an hour and wow can anybody understand what they are on about

it seems to me they just make it up as they go along as there is no way of proving

What they are saying anyway think they watch too many arnie films :D

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Hi just been watching horizon on TV tonight to do with parallel universe for about half an hour and wow can anybody understand what they are on about

it seems to me they just make it up as they go along as there is no way of proving

What they are saying anyway think they watch too many arnie films :D


I dont watch these sorts of programmes anymore. They stuff they spout is mainly unprovable gibberish.

Having said that id love to be the man who finds another dimension just so i can find a hot alien with 3 boobs.

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Did anyone see the previous week's show? The one about OCD?


I was quite puzzled by the guy who repeatedly washed his hands, could not put anything in the bin himself for fear of picking up germs from it, as was unlikely to eat food from a kitchen where strangers had been for fear of getting anything unwanted inside him. Whilst a very sad story it did leave me wondering how the hell his arms were covered in tattoos. Surely anyone remotely concerned about germs and posions would ever have a needle plunged into their body...

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I dont watch these sorts of programmes anymore. They stuff they spout is mainly unprovable gibberish.


Anything could be considered gibberish if you have no concept, understanding or ignorant of the subject. That doesn't mean it's gibberish or non-provable. I can't speak or understand Chinese, yet I know it isn't gibberish.

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Anything could be considered gibberish if you have no concept, understanding or ignorant of the subject. That doesn't mean it's gibberish or non-provable. I can't speak or understand Chinese, yet I know it isn't gibberish.


Well said!

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Anything could be considered gibberish if you have no concept, understanding or ignorant of the subject. That doesn't mean it's gibberish or non-provable. I can't speak or understand Chinese, yet I know it isn't gibberish.


Prove the big bang then. Then well talk :hihi:

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I watched this late on last night when I was really tired, and I think that the small nap in the middle did interfere with my understanding. I get the wave particle duality thing but I was way too tired to get the other bigger concepts.

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