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Will you pay another 23p for farmers milk?

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Local communities should support their local businesses and visa versa not some multi-million pound corporation that doesn't give a stuff about who shops in their stores!


If your business is not a service to the local community i.e. nationwide construction / insurance / accountants then I'm not talking about you!


There is no sense of community anymore - I'd rather put my hard earned, over taxed money into the pockets of local businesses who know me by name and appreciate my custom!


However, I do agree with you in principle.

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I don't know if anyone has ever told you this but the world doesn't evolve around you :P


Translation - Chelle lost the argument when she made a mistake in her logic and now goes to try a bit of abuse to try and make herself look better and demean me.


It doesn't work Chelle because most people are wise enough to spot it.


Tell me why you think my local community - mostly farming types, a few retirees, and some commuters need my services as a data scientist?


They don't. But that doesn't mean the world evolves round me whatever that means (I presume you missed an "r" out)


---------- Post added 13-08-2015 at 17:07 ----------


Then you're going to the wrong farm. I've seen several farms in and around sheffield that sell potatotes, meat and eggs significantly cheaper than the supermarkets.


Why am I going to the wrong farm? You don't have any idea what my critera for going there is....


They sell milk and eggs cheaper than the supermarkets.


Rest of the stuff costs way more. Since I have a supermarket close by as well and drive past it everyday I shop the rest of it there....


Now you can fulminate on the outrage of me daring to do something different to you. OK ? :hihi:

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Translation - Chelle lost the argument when she made a mistake in her logic and now goes to try a bit of abuse to try and make herself look better and demean me.


It doesn't work Chelle because most people are wise enough to spot it.


Now you can fulminate on the outrage of me daring to do something different to you. OK ? :hihi:


Obelix playing the victim card again I see. Abuse?:hihi: PFFFFTTT!!!!


---------- Post added 13-08-2015 at 17:37 ----------


Just cos you're getting ripped off from your farmer, and I get the good deals - not my fault is it?


---------- Post added 13-08-2015 at 17:38 ----------


....you can lead a horse to water..or in this case a fat cartoon character.


---------- Post added 13-08-2015 at 17:41 ----------


However, I do agree with you in principle.


I agree too, all good points. Its one step up from supermarkets (going to local butchers)

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Just cos you're getting ripped off from your farmer, and I get the good deals - not my fault is it


How am I getting ripped off then?


As said I just don't buy the expensive stuff and get it from the supermarket where I would have to go anyway... and I get better milk and eggs cheaper than the supermarket?


how is that being ripped off - oh wait - it's not! It's a delusional fiction you came up with to make yourself feel better and superior to me... :loopy:

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How am I getting ripped off then?


As said I just don't buy the expensive stuff and get it from the supermarket where I would have to go anyway... and I get better milk and eggs cheaper than the supermarket?


how is that being ripped off - oh wait - it's not! It's a delusional fiction you came up with to make yourself feel better and superior to me... :loopy:



Obelix quote: My local farm shop charges about twice what the supermarkets do.

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Obelix quote: My local farm shop charges about twice what the supermarkets do.


You really are a bit clueless when it comes to this...


Farm shop prices are about double what the supermarket is. Ergo I only buy items that are less than the supermarket prices - that being milk and eggs....


The shops you go to - is EVERYTHING in there at the lowest price possible? Of course not. So by your logic you are being ripped off, even if you don't buy those overpriced items.


Clueless. And you think your are qualified to comment on economic matters and you can't even follow a simple thread... oh wait. I'm sure you can. Youa re just posting this out of malice I'm sure.... :roll:

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The dairies and producers want to band together, cut out the supermarkets and start selling direct to the public.



As was done in my youth, many farmers bottled their own milk which was sold directly to their customers. The slightly tainted milk a bit red red in colour from a cow which had just calved (we called it Beastings) was much sought after by the old ladies to make rice puddings and various other sweets. I doubt it would be allowed to be sold to-day in the sterile environment we have to live in.



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