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Be aware when using local ATM's

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A friend of mine has just told me of a news article in the local press regarding a rise on ATM scamming again. Apparently a number of devices such as Lebanese loops have been found on cash machines throughout Yorkshire recently.


This is a useful link from Cumbria police, I know it states the obvious but I have linked it never the less as some people may find it useful.



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There is also a scam with Contactless debit cards, if you carry them about with you there are things now that you can buy that can scan them when you have them in your pocket, used by criminals to get information off them, then they make a fake card with the information they have gathered


green man is your initials R.C

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There is also a scam with Contactless debit cards, if you carry them about with you there are things now that you can buy that can scan them when you have them in your pocket, used by criminals to get information off them, then they make a fake card with the information they have gathered


green man is your initials R.C


No Kidley afraid not sorry.

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There is also a scam with Contactless debit cards, if you carry them about with you there are things now that you can buy that can scan them when you have them in your pocket, used by criminals to get information off them, then they make a fake card with the information they have gathered


green man is your initials R.C


Cheap metal card holders are your friend.

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The rfid blocking wallets act as a Faraday cage around your card and would probably offer the best protection against being contactless skimmed. If you wrap your card in tinfoil you may potentially be amping up the available attack vector, as the tinfoil is conductive and may aid in the receiving of the signal from the skim device.

Edited by ShefStealth
tablet bump posted part way through
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I'm in my late 60s but always keen to keep abreast of the latest technology (well, some of it!). I've recently used the contactless facility a couple of times and then read somewhere that the details are very vulnerable to being stolen when using contactless. Please can anyone give me any further information and should I now get one of rfid-blocking cases? Are they widely available?


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I'm in my late 60s but always keen to keep abreast of the latest technology (well, some of it!). I've recently used the contactless facility a couple of times and then read somewhere that the details are very vulnerable to being stolen when using contactless. Please can anyone give me any further information and should I now get one of rfid-blocking cases? Are they widely available?



Upto know the risk is very small, but its my guess it will get worse as more people acquire these cards. where there's a way of getting free money the criminals will exploit it.

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