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Bailiffs coming tomorrow

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Not necessarily true!


Back in the days when I didn't have a brain!! an ex of mine got himself into a spot of bother before he moved in with me, the baliffs turned up one day saying he owed X amount and it needed to be paid by such a date..


When they came to collect (and he didn't have it!!) they wanted to take property! at which I told them all the property except the clothes on his back belonged to me (this was true) anyway I wouldn't let them enter my house and they didn't have a choice. They called the police and when they turned up and I explained to them they also told the baliffs they couldn't enter as it was my property which I owned and I wasn't the one owing the money.


In the end he set up a payment plan with the courts for something ridiculous like £5 a week and paid it off..





exactly thats what i said, it works for a time and gives breathing space especially if a payment plan is offered.


there are are some on here that are proper "know it alls"


Absolutely! and quite a lot of 'don't know it alls' too :)


---------- Post added 14-07-2015 at 16:47 ----------


If we could get a loan from wonga or provident or such like I already would have. Even they turned us down.


It sounds like you are out of options unfortunately :(


Like I said earlier, let them in and take what they need to to cover the debt.. you can always save up and start again.. it's not the nicest situation to be in but you'll survive :thumbsup:

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Well - someones got to address the facts here. Here goes !

I bet this 'fine' 'debt' or whatever is of a considerable age

Wrighty has moved home twice since the 'fine' was incurred and has,apparently, done sweet FA about it. No mail forwarded to him from previous addresses, no enquiries from Wrighty to the organisation to whom he owes the money. It's now the eleventh hour and he's now worried having done buggah all for a long time and wants some advice.

Should we as a Forum be advising him on how, yet again, to avoid his liability ?

Sooner or later he will have to face his responsibilities.

Don't live beyond your means, pay your debts, and I'm sure there are many like me who have no sympathy.

Yes - harsh I know - but it's the only way some people learn.

(Puts on tin hat and goes into cellar)

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We have moved house twice since I received the fine so have not had any letters from them. Have explained this to the bailiff but apparently it has gone past the stage of being able to set up a repayment plan.


hate to see anyone in a mess but from what you say (above) you actually received the fine and after that you moved house twice. If you've explained that properly then you knew about the fine and so moving house has nothing to do with you not having repaid it. you knew you owed the money. why, if you are both working, didn't you make some arrangement to repay it way back then? you say you have a poor credit rating - do you move house to avoid your debts?

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Well - someones got to address the facts here. Here goes !

I bet this 'fine' 'debt' or whatever is of a considerable age

Wrighty has moved home twice since the 'fine' was incurred and has,apparently, done sweet FA about it. No mail forwarded to him from previous addresses, no enquiries from Wrighty to the organisation to whom he owes the money. It's now the eleventh hour and he's now worried having done buggah all for a long time and wants some advice.

Should we as a Forum be advising him on how, yet again, to avoid his liability ?

Sooner or later he will have to face his responsibilities.

Don't live beyond your means, pay your debts, and I'm sure there are many like me who have no sympathy.

Yes - harsh I know - but it's the only way some people learn.

(Puts on tin hat and goes into cellar)



Very harsh post indeed, but it's on the money (excuse pun). It's a fact of life if you owe brass some bugger will chase you until it's paid.



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I believe they only take non essential items, if it's such a desperate time, you will have to do without luxuries like a television etc. You can always buy them back when times improve.

Contact Stepchange Debt Charity, they are a great help to anyone in debt.

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