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Who sits where in commons

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I know I'm going to show my ignorance here, but I'm sure someone will have an answer.


The SNP appear to be demanding to sit on the front bench directly opposite the Tories, claiming they have the right.


But surely, Labour are the undoubted opposition and second party, and are therefore entitled to sit on the front bench.


What am I missing in the whole Labour/SNP's argument?

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Unless it's Sheldon's chair, I can't see it makes any difference where anyone sits.

It's just a room full of seating, most of which remains empty, sometimes used for grabbing a power nap between inconsequential bickering bouts. Some of the seats should be replaced with beds (or gurneys, for some of the frailer buffoons) in my humble opinion though. Bit of toilet paper and a defibrillator wouldn't go amiss either.

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Dennis Skinner's fighting spirit.

Its going to take more then the SNP to get him to shift from his seat.




The fact that he thinks its his seat is what is wrong with government, the seat belongs to the people and anyone of the peoples representatives should have the right to sit in it.

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Guest sibon
The fact that he thinks its his seat is what is wrong with government, the seat belongs to the people and anyone of the peoples representatives should have the right to sit in it.


The fact that so many people, yourself included, have such little respect for people like Dennis, is a national scandal.


You, the SNP and any other Johnny come lately, should examine the way that Skinner has conducted his life, and attempt to emulate him.


Skinner > Smithy + SNP.

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The fact that so many people, yourself included, have such little respect for people like Dennis, is a national scandal.


You, the SNP and any other Johnny come lately, should examine the way that Skinner has conducted his life, and attempt to emulate him.


Skinner > Smithy + SNP.


Hes just a man, not a God and deserves no special treatment, just because he has sat in the same chair of decades doesn't mean it is his chair.


If he gets their first he can sit in that chair, if someone else get their before him he should sit somewhere else.


I bet when you are on holiday you put a towel on a sunbed to reserve it, I'm one of those people that move the towel if I want a sunbed and you aren't it.

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