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  1. I'm just wondering whether the Sheffield Scouts ever went down to Brownsea Island, Poole Harbour? A superb nature reserve and where Baden Powell set up his first scout camp.
  2. He couldn't act then, can't act now. He's had more opportunity than most to sharpen up his act. To no avail. He can shout though. Enough said? I used to see (rather hear) him and his lovely wife Hildergard Neil around Richmond. Francy perfectly summed it up: ACTOR???
  3. Caleche. Perfume by Hermes. Je Reviens " " Worth. Both are wonderful
  4. Favourite: The Vampire. :help: Thorpe Park, Surrey Closely followed by Tea-Cups and Saucers. Disneyland, Florida.
  5. Lovely, lovely Debbie Harry, Happy 70th Birthday to a fellow ex. Bunny! Lots in common with this feisty girl.
  6. Judge totally wrong to overturn deceased mother's wishes. Her money, her wishes. A will made in sound mind should be sacrosanct. Otherwise what is the point of making a will ? If her adult (ie. independent) daughter and family are receiving benefits, so be it. Completely separate issue.
  7. Handel's Instrumental Concerto Grosso. Nos. 3 & 6. Sublime.
  8. The Sot Weed Factor by John Barth. A scandalous, philosophical, tongue in cheek romp. I sort of speed-read it in the 60s. This time I'll savour the experience. Just short of 795 pages to go. It's going to be fun!
  9. The Wizard Of Oz. In the scene where Dorothy watches everything flying past her window, suddenly the Wicked Witch flying on her broomstick comes into view, turns her head and laughs her cackling taunt. It absolutely terrified me! Well I was only 5yrs old at the time.
  10. Yes of course he did Francy, I'd almost forgotten. If only all our customers had been as handsome and debonair as Patrick Macnee.
  11. Oh, lovely Omar. I'll always remember seeing him at The London Playboy Club, The Victoria Sporting and The Claremont where he was a regular. Those twinkling eyes would bring all the girls, and some of the boys, to a standstill. Every guest would glance and he would give THAT smile. He was always absolutely charming. Above all else he had a great love, and respect for........(sorry girls) his mother! What a boy. I guess he'll be chasing higher stakes in that great casino in the sky. R.I.P. Omar.
  12. Palladio, The Complete Buildings. by Marton, Wundram, Pape. (Pub. Taschen) From my own bookshelf. Been meaning to read it since Palladio's 500year centenary. Impeccably researched and a satisfying read for any student of classical architecture. Bought my copy from Riba, Portland Square. Still in print.
  13. Francypants and I are sisters, as some of you know. So I share her sentiments and have happy memories about growing up in the area. Did we know at the time how fortunate we were? Yes we knew because our parents instilled in us an appreciation of our locality and perhaps most of all how we were expected to behave. It wasn't just our family but in those days there really was an expectation to respect people in authority, that included park keepers and of course the police. The solution surely lies with we adults. We are the ones who can turn things around. Instead of blaming the kids, society, the council etc.etc. We parents, grandparents, teachers and guardians of the next generation have a duty to educate and care. It's not a case of insufficient funding either. There was less money in the 50's and far less local crime. . Sheffield was a great place to grow up, it can be that great again. After all, we want the best for our kids don't we?
  14. I'm no expert in ventriloquism but if it is anything like an actor is trained to throw the voice, to the back of the auditorium I would say it is all about control. I've had voice coaching in my time as a thespian and believe me it's the best way of saving enough puff to string a couple of words together after the performance! All to do with the diaphragm, and not in any way pushing from the voicebox. That way you'll train up your voice levels, thus saving energy. Have fun!
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