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More people anti-austerity than pro

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Looking at the sumamries of the political parties I couldn't help but notice that irrespective of who wins the election more people are anti-austerity than pro given there only appers to be one party planning more of the same.


Just don't understand why the Libdems, Greens, SNP, Plaid Cymru,Labour and UKIP can't get together to beat the Tories given it's abundantly clear that people have had enough of all the cutbacks.


So put bluntly if 33% vote for the Tories then the remaining 67% would prefer less austerity.


So that's how democracy works then!

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Despite how much I despise the tories I dont believe they are thinking of ways ti increas austerity they are just doing it as a means to (unsuccesfully) pay off our debts because we were left with no money after Gordon Brown left.


The tories are pro business they want people earning and spending money so their chums can make profit.

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Looking at the sumamries of the political parties I couldn't help but notice that irrespective of who wins the election more people are anti-austerity than pro given there only appers to be one party planning more of the same.


Just don't understand why the Libdems, Greens, SNP, Plaid Cymru,Labour and UKIP can't get together to beat the Tories given it's abundantly clear that people have had enough of all the cutbacks.

So put bluntly if 33% vote for the Tories then the remaining 67% would prefer less austerity.


So that's how democracy works then!


What cut backs, I can't say I have noticed any, what I have noticed is a government continuing to spend substantially more than the income they receive.

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Looking at the sumamries of the political parties I couldn't help but notice that irrespective of who wins the election more people are anti-austerity than pro given there only appers to be one party planning more of the same.


Just don't understand why the Libdems, Greens, SNP, Plaid Cymru,Labour and UKIP can't get together to beat the Tories given it's abundantly clear that people have had enough of all the cutbacks.


So put bluntly if 33% vote for the Tories then the remaining 67% would prefer less austerity.


So that's how democracy works then!


All the other parties have cuts lined up as well..doesn't that tell you something?

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All the other parties have cuts lined up as well..doesn't that tell you something?


The difference is all the others won't be anywhere near as savage, hence my assertion that there's little appetite for them (around 335 to be exact)


---------- Post added 24-04-2015 at 14:58 ----------


This country was put into a massive financial hole by messrs Balls and Brown. You aren't going to get out of that hole without lots of people feeling the pain, and anyone who tells you that you can is probably a member of the Labour party.


Such a massive hole that the Tories intend changing the Inheritiance tax laws so people get to keep more of the money they made under Labour.

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You really believe this? The other alternatives are that we are taxed more or borrow more...


Not really relevant what I believe, what is clear is that irrespective of whether or not the Tories get back into Government there's a political will from the people of this country for less austerity than now and sadly we could end up with a set of policies very unpopular with the majority of people who've found their vote split.

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Just don't understand why the Libdems, Greens, SNP, Plaid Cymru,Labour and UKIP can't get together to beat the Tories given it's abundantly clear that people have had enough of all the cutbacks.



The Greens want to end Austerity, spend 85bn on green projects AND re-nationalise the trains.


That all sounds very cheap and affordable.


You want someone like that running the country??

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The Greens want to end Austerity, spend 85bn on green projects AND re-nationalise the trains.


That all sounds very cheap and affordable.


You want someone like that running the country??


Don't forget the "Citizens' Income" as well..

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