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Sheffield Ghost Stories & Sightings

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Watching Ghost Hunters on TFN I agree with you. Ghosts are either, Grey Ladies, Small scruffy blonde haired kids, Monks, Dukes Earls etc. Headless horsemen. They only come out at night when it is dark. They only talk to certain people. I once spent weeks at the Carbrook Hall Pub Attercliffe. This pub is no more haunted than the phone box at the bottom of the road. My house is supposed to be haunted according to certain people. I have never seen a ghost,

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If you only knew what I have had to put up with, It would surprise you. I have tried to get a so called medium to visit my home. I have had some already, At great cost. They told me nothing that my next door neighbour, Or general information did not already inform me of. What they told me could apply to anyone. But, I am neither a believer nor disbelieve. I do believe that some sort of force exists. That it must be inherent within us. But, Programmes such as those shown on freeview channel 20 ftn are just a load of rubbish. especially this guy called Derek Ochara or whatever his name is. He would make a great actor in horror films.. I myself have faced death on the operating table more than once. I was at one time certified dead. But, As you say, Maybe I am a ghost ( haha )... I would respect a visit from a medium if this person was genuine. I do think there are those that have a sense of sensing out the evil energy that does exist in places. But, Like many I do not know what to think, I just hope that one day I may meet a ghost. Then once and for all I will have the proof I seek. Then I may understand certain happenings that I have witnessed. Not ghostly. Or as you say, " Are they ".

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Rodgers, we most certainly do not recommending getting a medium in. If you would like any assistance, feel free to pm either myself or Jon.

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still do'nt know why their white n whats an "orb" supposed to be?


Fridgeman, you're a card.


Which sounds more romantic, the Lady in White or the Lady in Mauve With Sort Of A Pale Lilac Bonnet? Other than the fact that white was a very common Edwardian/Victorian dress colour (which adds a little weight to the ghost theory), which makes the best legend for your haunted mansion?


An orb is considered by many to be the first stage of physical manifestation of a spirit.


But not by us.


Well over 99% of all orb photographs taken by YPS were found to be caused by water vapour or dust particles illuminated by the flash of the digital camera. The close proximity of the flash unit to the camera lens in compact cameras (orbs are a modern "digital camera" phenomenon) causes perspective distortion, making the particle seem much larger than it actually is.


Most american paranormal sites claim that faces can be seen in these orbs. One site even claims that there are two species of orb that are locked in orb wars. But that's the yanks for you.


Having said that, we have caught two small moving anomalies on night-vision camera whose appearance and movement we find it hard to dismiss as dust particles, water vapour or insects.

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Stocksbridge Bypass which is a bad accident black spot is noted to have victorian children who play out late at night.


This was reported in the newspaper some years ago and i beleive they were seen by a Police Offcer and a Sprecial Constable on evening while they were on duty.

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There's a Stocksbridge bypass thread elsewhere on here that'll give you more details. We've had countless investigations up there, but it seems a bit on the inert side now.

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