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Looking for some specific country music recommendations


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I've noticed as I age, my appreciation of country music increases!


However, it's such a wide-ranging genre I find it difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff and find stuff I actually like.


A couple of tracks that illustrate quite nicely the kind of stuff I'm looking for, are not actually by stricly "country" bands. These being "Country Boy" by Heads Hands & Feet and "Six Gallon Pie" by the Meat Puppets.


Fast, frantic guitars - love it. For those who don't know the tracks:


(Country Boy)

(Six Gallon Pie)


Any country fans out there able to point me in the direction of some bands / records that might tickle my fancy?



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Some excellent choices there, prescottpie, particularly 'Country Boy' by Heads, Hands and Feet. Albert Lee is a phenomenal guitar player, and I'm sure you know that the bass player, Chas Hodges, is the same bloke who plays piano with those loveable country cockneys, Chas and Dave.


In similar vein to your choices, I'd recommend

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In similar vein to your choices, I'd recommend



Yes and yes


You need "Car Wheels on a Gravel Road" by Lucinda Williams.


Trust me. You WILL thank me later.


And yes again.


Throw in some Grateful Dead and a bit of The Watson Twins and you've got a good evening's listening.

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Brilliant, thanks everyone! Some great suggestions there. A weekend of record shopping awaits me!


I should've mentioned, I'm already a fan of Johnny Cash and Grateful Dead, but they're not specifically the vein I'm currently looking to explore.


All those mentioned sound worth an investigation, have to say that Gram Parson's track really got me going though, cracking stuff!


Thanks again for the really helpful suggestions.


---------- Post added 15-10-2014 at 09:00 ----------


PS - I seem to have a penchant for instrumental artists / music - any spring to mind in this vein?

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