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Brother of accused Rotherham Groomer speaks out on C4 news.

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What is wrong with people? Read the Jay report. These girls were brainwashed and threatened into doing what these men wanted. In many cases parents and social workers WERE trying to protect these children. When they reported what was happening to the police they were told not to 'interfere' with the children's 'relationships' with these men and accused of racism if they complained. If they took matters into there own hands and tried to rescue the children THEY were arrested.



You can't blame parents for the situation when they were left powerless when the services that should have protected the children protected the abusers instead.


Also by all accounts these children were initially approached while engaged in age appropriate activities like shopping or visiting a park. Not out drinking. It was the abusers that brought booze into the equation as a means of manipulation and control.



AGREED! The above are FACTS!!!!! So why on earth are people on here saying the opposite?! I went to Kimberworth Comprehensive school saw lots of it! Had a close call as a 13yr old girl.


People on here are blaming the parents! A lot of the parents were BEGGING the police to help but faced problems because authorities wouldnt stir up trouble amongst the pakistani community!! Race card was and still is a massive issue in this country and there is no wonder with situations like this! Its a disgrace!!


Yes white british people do similar crimes but this thread is NOT about that nor is there mass white british grooming rings on this mass scale!!! But like i said this thread is NOT about that!


Dont blame the parents. Blame the pakistanis who are responsible and the authorities for caring too much about the guilty pakistani community rather than white british victims!!

No one can say race doesn't come into this discussion because fact is, it does. Groups of pakistani men groomed white british women and that is what this specific media topic is about.

Edited by Chazndave
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The 1,400 number is only an estimate/projection. The media and others love it cos its a big number but in the interests of accuracy I think it matters to base opinions/actions/theories on facts.


Does anyone know the actual number of cases or victims?

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The problems of sex abuse is not unique to Muslim culture but it is clear that it has a disproportionate problem that needs addressing.


Despite the evidence of the Jay report you just cannot bear to part with those politically correct goggles can you?


It seems that Pakistani men make up about 3% of the population of Rotherham and were responsible for the majority of the grooming and trafficking of underaged girls. The other 97% of Rotherham men will not all be innocent but lets just keep things in proportion

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The 1,400 number is only an estimate/projection. The media and others love it cos its a big number but in the interests of accuracy I think it matters to base opinions/actions/theories on facts.


Does anyone know the actual number of cases or victims?


The interview I read with Professor Alexis Jay stated:


At times she laughs, but it is the hollow laugh of incredulity. The numbers are overwhelming – 1,400 is a conservative estimate of Rotherham’s young victims. The evidence was always there, but largely ignored. At one point, 318 damaged girls were being helped by a youth project and of those 90 needed one-to-one help for 18 months. “I don’t know how anyone could think: We’re coping here. How could you not think that was a crisis? It is hard to understand the mentality of collective denial.”


The numbers are mind boggling.


Assuming Rotherham is the tip of the iceberg, if justice is to be sought against all those involved, we're going to have to build more prisons.





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I know it's happened all over, but we currently know more about Rotherham than anywhere else and I find it incredible how so many have been getting away with so much for so long.




Sageer maybe a brain dead moron, but it doesn't mean I have to disagree with everything he says.


I never suggested they're asking to be groomed or raped, but when young vulnerable girls go out dressed like that they do undoubtedly make themselves a target for predators.


I don't like it and you don't like it, because that shouldn't be the case, but sadly it's a fact of life.




There were 1,400 cases in Rotherham.


Whilst I agree that many parents/social workers will have done all they can to protect the children, I've no doubt there will also many cases where those responsible didn't do enough.






However you dont know that.


---------- Post added 09-10-2014 at 19:57 ----------


'Nothing' is probably the wrong word.....'Not enough was being done' would have been better.


The length of time this has been going on and the number of cases is the giveaway.


If enough was being done by those in authority, then we wouldn't be talking about 1,400 cases.


Had it not been for the Jay Report I'm sure this would have continued. Hopefully now 'proper' action will be taken and this disgraceful behaviour won't be allowed to continue.


As I said to my colleague the other day, I think the Jay Report is one of the most important of our time. Hopefully it will blow political correctness out of the water.






I sure hope so! :)

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I watched it and he didn't come across as badly as I expected having read this forum first.


He's obviously not the sharpest pencil in the pack, but he does have a point about young lasses going out late in very short dresses.....Who is responsible for these girls?


What wasn't asked/explained is why the incidents involve such a high percentage of males of Pakistani descent.


If these young lasses are making themselves a target by dressing and acting the way they are, which is what he was suggesting, surely they're making themselves a target for everybody, but according to the Jay report it's young Pakistani males who are targeting them....Why?






you are joking i dont think he cold have come across worse the arrogance stunk

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'Nothing' is probably the wrong word.....'Not enough was being done' would have been better.


The length of time this has been going on and the number of cases is the giveaway.


If enough was being done by those in authority, then we wouldn't be talking about 1,400 cases.


Had it not been for the Jay Report I'm sure this would have continued. Hopefully now 'proper' action will be taken and this disgraceful behaviour won't be allowed to continue.


As I said to my colleague the other day, I think the Jay Report is one of the most important of our time. Hopefully it will blow political correctness out of the water.






Do you know much about "political correctness?"


Political correctness doesn't make the police "lose" a rape survivor's clothes less than 24hrs after she took them to the police. Political correctness doesn't make the police arrest a survivor who is ranting at one of her abusers in town but not arrest the abuser. Political correctness doesn't make a CID officer argue in a case conference that the child under discussion "consented" to sex with every man who had raped her.


What makes stuff like that happen is corruption, organised cover ups and a complete lack of respect for the girls and women who are victims. Of course, the offender under discussion in this thread will have likely benefited from his relative who is a former councillor. Not to mention his relative's best friend, the police inspector.

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AGREED! The above are FACTS!!!!! So why on earth are people on here saying the opposite?! I went to Kimberworth Comprehensive school saw lots of it! Had a close call as a 13yr old girl.


People on here are blaming the parents! A lot of the parents were BEGGING the police to help but faced problems because authorities wouldnt stir up trouble amongst the pakistani community!! Race card was and still is a massive issue in this country and there is no wonder with situations like this! Its a disgrace!!


Yes white british people do similar crimes but this thread is NOT about that nor is there mass white british grooming rings on this mass scale!!! But like i said this thread is NOT about that!


Dont blame the parents. Blame the pakistanis who are responsible and the authorities for caring too much about the guilty pakistani community rather than white british victims!!

No one can say race doesn't come into this discussion because fact is, it does. Groups of pakistani men groomed white british women and that is what this specific media topic is about.


they are saying the opposite because they have to find a way to turn the tables its the lefty way im afraid

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A girl/woman should be able to walk around stark naked without it being an open invitation to wannabe rapists and child abusers.


Correct. The bloke on C4 news last night making excuses for his brother typifies the attitude of the Groomers , in that they see young white girls as "Easy" and loose and there to be taken advantage of. Shame his brother didnt have the balls to face the cameras himself instead of letting his brother make pathetic excuses for him.

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