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"Police under pressure" bbc tv 9pm 23/6/14

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Didn't watch the program as Monday night is my night out with the lads.


Having read some of your comments however I'm slightly puzzled.


On the news on Radio Sheffield yesterday it was reported that two pensioners who were taking part in a protest regarding the loss of free travel on the trains had been arrested as a result of their peaceful demonstration.


Fair enough I suppose if some law had been infringed, but it would be nice to think that the police had some measure of even handedness and proportionality regarding their dealings with the public.


We should all be treat the same regardless of race, creed or class. The fact that it doesn't work that way needs addressing, if the police wish to be regarded with respect.

The police on the station are The British Transport Police, a private police force for the railways. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Transport_Police

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That was a very sad and depressing programme.


Was there some bias though? It seemed to show plenty of anti social behaviour of the white scum on the cross rather than any from the Roma, other than a couple of little kids playing ball in the street.

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Only watched so much of it but it was disgusting the way those kids were talking to people and the police and getting away with it , need tougher police up there the kids know they're running rings round them and as for the parents of these kids - do you actually know/care what your kids are doing at night !!??


Agreed. I also noticed that the police never seemed to ask for ID, names or addresses. They should be chucked in a van sent home where they can then give the parents a ticking off too. If they refuse to provide ID then lock them in a cell for the night. They are clearly up to no good when they hanging about late at night or the early hours of the morning. A fine to the parents might be a good idea, comments welcome regarding a fine.

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They either didn't care or were powerless. When I used to urbex in Manchester I was stopped on more than one occasion and asked to provide ID. I was even escorted to my car and followed until I left the city centre. I wish I'd taken the attitude of the kids on TV now.

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The great british way of being our hospitality will be our undoing im not racist I have friends from all backgrounds and they agree. Why is it that everywhere you look muslims are fighting and terrorising peole in china india europe russia africa god even the peace loving buddhists have to fight with muslims. I think all races and religions need their own space but whites are increasingly being squeezed into ever smaller areas, its ok for the posh people who are the ones mostly running the council/government why not let asians and roma and all refugees move into your lovely areas dore etc oh NO cant have that. Like I said british values will be our downfall, You might not believe this Mafya but I wis we could all get along but I increasingly see in life on the internet on the news etc that muslims dont want to intergrate but want to assimilate. If this is not true then muslims should prove it by stop taking over and deal with the nutters/terrorists.

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The police on the station are The British Transport Police, a private police force for the railways. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Transport_Police


I'm aware of that, I used to deal with them through business. At that time their northern HQ was in York.


I phrased it incorrectly, my point being that they were applying the law of the land. Which is what the police are supposed to do, without fear or favour. :)

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The great british way of being our hospitality will be our undoing im not racist I have friends from all backgrounds and they agree. Why is it that everywhere you look muslims are fighting and terrorising peole in china india europe russia africa god even the peace loving buddhists have to fight with muslims. I think all races and religions need their own space but whites are increasingly being squeezed into ever smaller areas, its ok for the posh people who are the ones mostly running the council/government why not let asians and roma and all refugees move into your lovely areas dore etc oh NO cant have that. Like I said british values will be our downfall, You might not believe this Mafya but I wis we could all get along but I increasingly see in life on the internet on the news etc that muslims dont want to intergrate but want to assimilate. If this is not true then muslims should prove it by stop taking over and deal with the nutters/terrorists.


How does this explain or excuse the attitude and behaviour of the white kids from Parson Cross in the programme?

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I bet rest of the nation did'nt know that page hall is almost all privately owned proprties not a council estate. For years I read nothing but page hall being deprived how can people be deprived when they all own their own houses more like deprived of basic intelligence to keep their own area clean and tidy.

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I watched this programme with sadness and despair. Despair at the way our laws and police have had their hands tied by politicians and politically correct senior offers, who are more concerned by "rights" than laws. The officers on the ground were helpless and totally ineffectual, I felt sorry for them. The mouthy youths on Parson Cross should have been arrested but they know they can do as they like. Police officers should have the powers to act against bad behaviour. The other small thing I noticed was a comment that "It's Saturday there isn't many officers available, Why do they all work 9-5 Mon-Fri now?

This programme showed how ineffectual our police have become and why we are a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

Take the kid gloves off, untie their hands and let our police do the job as I'm sure they all want to do.

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The great british way of being our hospitality will be our undoing im not racist I have friends from all backgrounds and they agree. Why is it that everywhere you look muslims are fighting and terrorising peole in china india europe russia africa god even the peace loving buddhists have to fight with muslims. I think all races and religions need their own space but whites are increasingly being squeezed into ever smaller areas, its ok for the posh people who are the ones mostly running the council/government why not let asians and roma and all refugees move into your lovely areas dore etc oh NO cant have that. Like I said british values will be our downfall, You might not believe this Mafya but I wis we could all get along but I increasingly see in life on the internet on the news etc that muslims dont want to intergrate but want to assimilate. If this is not true then muslims should prove it by stop taking over and deal with the nutters/terrorists.


There will be people of other ethnic origins that do live in these areas because they work and can afford to pay the mortgage.

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