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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Actual rubbish! Farage is a rich ex banker, public school boy that doesn't know the meaning of hard work!

SO WHAT!! he has woken up the whole of british politics, and good for him for that! a bit of reverse snobbery eh Bonzo? how do you judge hard work??? shovelling muck all day:roll:.

work smarter not harder;)

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SO WHAT!! he has woken up the whole of british politics, and good for him for that! a bit of reverse snobbery eh Bonzo? how do you judge hard work??? shovelling muck all day:roll:.

work smarter not harder;)


could not have put it better give the man a chance the other parties have already made britain drop to its knees !!!

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could not have put it better give the man a chance the other parties have already made britain drop to its knees !!!


The problem is that what he's proposing will be even worse for the country than the other parties have managed.


Yes, there might be a few less Polish plumbers, and taxi drivers will be wearing fancy uniforms, but it's at the expense of being a country on the world stage and all the benefits that come with that.


It's the problem with populism in politics - it's not a route to successfully running a country, things have to be done even when the majority don't like them.

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And if you can't do that then go and do something else.

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The problem is that what he's proposing will be even worse for the country than the other parties have managed.


Yes, there might be a few less Polish plumbers, and taxi drivers will be wearing fancy uniforms, but it's at the expense of being a country on the world stage and all the benefits that come with that.


It's the problem with populism in politics - it's not a route to successfully running a country, things have to be done even when the majority don't like them.



A few? Ha ha ha ha

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A few? Ha ha ha ha


Well most of them will still be here under UKIP's new "you can stay here if you're here when we take over" policy. And they're hardly likely to jump ship if they're here for the reasons you lot say they are...


Unfortunately for the country's economy, it's the ones who can afford to move anywhere they want who will be the ones who will leave straight away, not the ones who are here because it means they can earn 10x what they would in their home country.

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SO WHAT!! he has woken up the whole of british politics, and good for him for that! a bit of reverse snobbery eh Bonzo? how do you judge hard work??? shovelling muck all day:roll:.

work smarter not harder;)


I get really annoyed when I see condecendong comments like the one above. Having had different types of jobs I can tell you this ab6262


Please show some respect, being busy all day and perhaps even mentally active, maybe even with great responsibility maybe doing something difficult too... is not by any stretch of the imagination ..hard work.


Hard work means working hard. People who work hard are physically tired at the end of the day, often they do not have the energy at the day's end to spend time at the gym or other physical recrational activities..because they are tired from working hard.


Also remember just because a person physically works hard does not mean that they are not using their mental powers also, nor does it mean that they do not have responsibilities at work.


Nor does it mean that they are any way inferior to the people who do not work hard for a living.




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SO WHAT!! he has woken up the whole of british politics, and good for him for that! a bit of reverse snobbery eh Bonzo? how do you judge hard work??? shovelling muck all day:roll:.

work smarter not harder;)


No he hasn't. He's appealed to all three racists in our country. He's acting upon a failed policy of "blame the immigrants" that the rest of the politicians have put forward to distract us from the real money laundering, tax avoiding lobbyists that run our country.

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