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The Conservative Party - all discussion here please.

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Once again trotting out the same old missinformation that cost Labour the election. There is the problem. You seem to assume that the electorate are thick and fall for that twaddle. The electorate saw through that years ago which is why it cut no ice at the election. Hopefully Labour will carry on with the same tack and lose again in 2020. :hihi::hihi:


By the way EU membership has sod all to do with one's ability to live in a place. That is down to one's ability to pay the bills, but it is nice of you to show such insincere concern.


I think some of the electorate are thick and there will be millions who voted Tory not realising that they are in the firing line. Sad really but they voted for it.


Actually EU membership has a lot to do with where people live and it is great to see you finally welcome all the EU migrants to our country who are working hard and paying their bills. You can't have it both ways - complain about them being here then flounce off yourself to be a potential drain an another country.

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I think some of the electorate are thick and there will be millions who voted Tory not realising that they are in the firing line. Sad really but they voted for it.


Actually EU membership has a lot to do with where people live and it is great to see you finally welcome all the EU migrants to our country who are working hard and paying their bills. You can't have it both ways - complain about them being here then flounce off yourself to be a potential drain an another country.


Why do some always claim others are less intelligent for voting for a party they believe in. That's unintelligent really..

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It's funny how the thick people voting Tory have money, nice houses, big cars, holiday homes and community spirit, but the clever Socialists are claiming benefits paid by Tories' taxes.


Those Tories are really stupid.

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