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I'm addicted to shoplifting!

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You have an addictive personality many do, with various different addictions.

To me you sound like you need excitement and an adrenaline rush to remind you THAT YOU are alive. Your cravings are for the adrenaline rush. You need to talk it over with someone who has been seen what you are going through. Not someone that has read a few books to gain a qualification to deal with situations as you have.


The only person qualified to talk to you is the person that has been in the same position as you, and not just simply read a book at university and think they can help.


Its like an non alcoholic giving advice how to stop drinking, Etc.


---------- Post added 21-09-2014 at 01:20 ----------


Would a drug addict take advice from a person that has never taken drugs, The same with booz, shoplifting , self harming etc. Just because they went to university does not mean they understand. The only person to listen to is an EX Addict.


Can you put that in English: confused: ? ?!?


---------- Post added 24-09-2014 at 02:19 ----------



Let me help you hypothetically:


Your mom was a woman of the night, who better to help her than an experienced woman of the night just like your mom. Or trust in the help of someone that just read about it on the internet?


Its your mom not mine I don't care what you do!.


Yes, he would obviously benefit from some mentoring from a wise individual educated in the school of life. One who is able to demonstrate their wisdom and mental equilibrium by telling other posters their mothers are prostitutes when challenged, perhaps.

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  • 1 month later...
Yes I read the jokes earlier and didn't take any offence, I expected a few and found them funny. Was hoping to reply to a few :( Mods -could you please undelete them?


This isn't a wind-up I am genuinely addicted to shop-lifting, I get a perverse kick out of stealing from shops and then covertly placing the stolen goods in random peoples shopping bags at bus and tram stops. Eg - Some lucky lady today who boarded the 53 bus around 3pm outside old Castle Market will have the found around 6 Lynx roll-ons and around 10 packets of Sweet Corn seeds added to her shopping.


Help For Heroes are aware of my PTSD and my addiction to shop lifting and are very kindly looking into finding me more specialist help and support. My next doctors appointment isn't while the 27th May.


I think it would be more of a challenge to covertly place the stolen goods in a police officers pocket or car, the buzz would be worth the risk of being caught. :)

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Have you spoken to your doctor about this? Or to one of the organisations who help former members of the armed forces?


I am not a professional but this sounds to me like an illness which needs to be treated, rather than criminal behaviour to be punished.


He's mentioned his depression and PTSD on another thread and I've given the same advice but he don't listen.

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It sounds to me like you are just trying to justify your actions... Have you tried Just stop stealing??

In my opinion theft if theft and there is no justifying it at all. No matter what the item is.

Have you considered how you are making the staff feel??? many of them will be feeling very venerable and unsafe.

There is 100% no reason to nick, other than sheer selfishness. We have all been through difficult times but that doesn't mean we can take what's not ours.

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It sounds to me like you are just trying to justify your actions... Have you tried Just stop stealing??

In my opinion theft if theft and there is no justifying it at all. No matter what the item is.

Have you considered how you are making the staff feel??? many of them will be feeling very venerable and unsafe.

There is 100% no reason to nick, other than sheer selfishness. We have all been through difficult times but that doesn't mean we can take what's not ours.


Not true Mike. I council drug addicts who shoplift to feed their habits. Its an excuse yes, but it happens. The physiological aspect of need is greater than the moral need of a person who has a blip. Sadly this isnt just localised to drug addicts. Many people have this condition, and it forms many faces including shoplifting, and can stem from a variety of reasons. My advice to the OP would be to have a word with his/her GP who will refer them to a specialist who can help.

Whilst this does not help the stores or the staff who are subjected to the thefts, nor does it seem fair to honest citizens, there is an underlying cause and the actions of the thefts are a cry for help. You never know Mike, one day this terrible affliction may happen to someone close to you.

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Not true Mike. I council drug addicts who shoplift to feed their habits. Its an excuse yes, but it happens. The physiological aspect of need is greater than the moral need of a person who has a blip. Sadly this isnt just localised to drug addicts. Many people have this condition, and it forms many faces including shoplifting, and can stem from a variety of reasons. My advice to the OP would be to have a word with his/her GP who will refer them to a specialist who can help.

Whilst this does not help the stores or the staff who are subjected to the thefts, nor does it seem fair to honest citizens, there is an underlying cause and the actions of the thefts are a cry for help. You never know Mike, one day this terrible affliction may happen to someone close to you.


Im only going on my experience's, I don't know about the phycology side of it but ive been on the receiving end of it.

I worked in a shop for about 5 years and had to deal with Loads of shop lifters (daily) I personally find it ok dealing with them, but I know lots of members of staff felt unsafe and uneasy, That's not just with the drug addicts.

All kinds of shoplifters (even from kids) unnerve some staff.


In my eyes its straight up wrong... Theft is theft



If it does happen to someone close to me ile do all I can to help them.

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