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Everything posted by martok

  1. What is obtuse about defending a mothers right to transport her three infants on a bus without fear of being thrown off? ---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 17:38 ---------- Post 328 and no one as said that a bus company would refund the fair that had been paid or explained why they deem it acceptable to throw three infants off a bus just to make room for someone else. I know that I could never be that selfish that I would expect them to get off just so that I could get on.
  2. Either they are very good liars or the benefits office staff are incompetent. Illegal immigrant claimed £26,000 in benefits AFTER being told to leave the UK http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/illegal-immigrant-claimed-26000-benefits-7056554
  3. But then instead of being abuse toward people with opinion they don't like, they might just pop round and throw a brick through your window.
  4. It became about throwing three infants off a bus when cyclone said they should be thrown off a bus to make room for people in wheelchairs.
  5. Nothing you or anyone else can say will lead me to think it is acceptable to throw three infants off a bus just to make room for someone else. I am happy to agree to disagree with you all but I won't back down from the only stance that I think could ever be acceptable in a civilised society.
  6. And there was me thinking that it was me defending a parents right to be not thrown off a bus with her three infants just to make room for someone in a wheelchair.
  7. I there was I thinking that is was me arguing that under no circumstance should a women with three infants be thrown off a bus to make room for someone in a wheelchair.
  8. They already have more than enough money, they just choose to spend it unwisely, throwing more money at them will just mean more waste.
  9. That's right it is impossible, all they can do is guess.
  10. How on earth could you possible now what benefit fraud costs the country, by its very nature no one would know how much fraud is being committed otherwise their would be zero fraud.
  11. Round and round we go, they don't all fold and sometimes its not practical or safe to take two infants out of a double buggy, sometimes there is nowhere else on the bus to sit. No it doesn't say anything, the questioned is flawed and we have no idea who each member name belongs to, and even if it wasn't flawed it isn't uncommon for the majority to be wrong. ---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 15:19 ---------- If there is somewhere else on the bus to move too, are you deliberately ignoring the rest of the sentence in that rule? Its you that wants to throw infants off a bus, so I don't think you can claim the moral high ground. ---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 15:20 ---------- They implied it.
  12. Then whats the discussion about, some people appear to be under the impression that there isn't enough room for a double buggy and a wheelchair and that anyone with children in a pushchair should be forced off the bus if it can't be moved to another location on the bus.
  13. They wouldn't be in breach of the rules because the rules don't say that they have to exist the bus. ---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 12:47 ---------- Being in a wheelchair wouldn't cause me to loose my humanity so would never leave me feeling that I should take priory over an infants safety.
  14. Some of them are defective and producing no energy at all, whilst others are working correctly but are that useless that they will never repay the cost to install them.
  15. No you don't, you stay on until your journey is over and any attempt to throw them off is likley to result in you being prosecuted for assault.
  16. It doesn't matter why its been cut, councils need to spend money more effectively instead of wasting it and if they fail to provide essential services they are spending the money they have unwisely.
  17. Here's just one example of the stupidity. Councils waste millions on ineffective wind turbines that will take 190 years to repay.
  18. Common sense dictates that you can only move to another part of the bus if it's possible and safe to do so, obviously if it isn't possible or safe you stay where you are.
  19. "Local government leaders say English councils face a 12.1% cut in their core central government funding next year." The government don't tell them what to cut, they could just as easily stop wasting masses of money on crap, or they could cut their excessively high wages. ---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 08:50 ---------- It would be nice to see councils running their finances efficiently and giving the population good value for money, but money for councils is easy come easy go with no personal consequences for poor management.
  20. Why blame the government when its the local councils responsibility to care for the vulnerable?
  21. But all those reports ignore the indisputable facts that some come for benefits.
  22. But surely that only applies if it is possible and safe to do so. I noticed that you was trying to imply that it is always more difficult for the wheelchair user to move than the kids in the push chair and this is clearly not the case.
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