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Healthy 'fast food' outlets, are there any?

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I agree, its also easy to exercise and only eat what you need, healthy foods are also more readily available for everyone if you chose to buy them.


Is it though?? Is it easy to work 40/50 hours a week, bring up a family, maintain your house and still have time to take regular exercise? I think it's bloody hard to be honest!


It's a lot easier to eat healthy though. Although, it's also easy to call in the chippy or shove some crap in the microwave.

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I agree. They definitely have a large part to play. But I think the biggest culprits are the supermarkets. They prey on our natural obsession for convenience and thirst for fat & sugar.


They'll sell literally anything that makes a profit. Regardless of content.


and then you have the government telling us not to eat any of this stuff that we are being bombarded with day in day out


like now, the shops are full of chocolate for easter...its everywhere

its like chocolate wonderland in every shop you go in :gag:


I am that fed up I bought a bag of maltesers yesterday :)

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A typical thread full of fatty's making excuses for being fat.


I have the same options as you, and I'm not fat.


I CHOOSE to eat healthily.


I CHOOSE to exercise.


You fatty's can too.


The shops are full of fatty stuff because fatty's eat it, not the other way round.


The main problem here isn't the availability of bad food. It's the lack of responsibility for your own actions. You just want someone else to blame for that fact that you are to mentally weak to control yourself.


You really do need to 'grow a pair' (and I don't mean big fat bingo wings).

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A typical thread full of fatty's making excuses for being fat.


I have the same options as you, and I'm not fat.


I CHOOSE to eat healthily.


I CHOOSE to exercise.


You fatty's can too.


The shops are full of fatty stuff because fatty's eat it, not the other way round.


The main problem here isn't the availability of bad food. It's the lack of responsibility for your own actions. You just want someone else to blame for that fact that you are to mentally weak to control yourself.


You really do need to 'grow a pair' (and I don't mean big fat bingo wings).


I am not fat and eat reasonably healthy


I don't understand where you are coming from :huh:

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A typical thread full of fatty's making excuses for being fat.


I have the same options as you, and I'm not fat.


I CHOOSE to eat healthily.


I CHOOSE to exercise.


You fatty's can too.


The shops are full of fatty stuff because fatty's eat it, not the other way round.


The main problem here isn't the availability of bad food. It's the lack of responsibility for your own actions. You just want someone else to blame for that fact that you are to mentally weak to control yourself.


You really do need to 'grow a pair' (and I don't mean big fat bingo wings).


So you are saying food producers/retailers have no responsibility in this? That is interesting because even they are beginning to see the light when it comes to it. It won't be long before we will see tobacco-style mass court cases against food industry.

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hopefully most kids are only allowed to go these places occasionally not on a regular basis


whenever I pass a McDonalds it is always packed though

That is because McD uses "flavourings" (which is just dried powders) to get that nice and yummy feeling as if you are genuinely eating something nicely cooked and delicious. While in reality, it is nothing more than dried powders.


The other reason why people do not tend to go for other kind of food is that, restaurant do not think about the complexity of making something tastes yummy and delicious.


Just like reading the other thread now about cabbage. All vegetables that are green shall taste bitter. This is a given, but how come they can tastes so delicious when it is in a written recipe ? That is because another flavour from another ingredient is added.


The other thing is also addiction, when someone is used to a habit, then they will stick with it. Even when you step back and tried different food, and removing these pre-salted burgers or chicken, then you will indeed get that "full on" flavour again.


When you eat too much salt, your tongue and taste buds are basically dead. It thickens. Same thing happens with sugar as well. So because your taste buds do not have that sensitivity any more, you just tend to go for volume, rather than actual taste. Your brain thinks you are eating good food, but your body doesn't have the mechanism to detect and reject whether it is good food or not any more because it is no longer working properly.


I have not eaten McD or KFC for a long while. If I do that, I can definitely now subtly taste the salt in them.



By the way, the French, the Greek, and the Italians all rejected manufacturing chains. They got it very spot on. Each day you can go to the local grocers, and get fresh produce. Each day, you can casually go out and walk along your own village or city and sit in a nice simple cafe and eat good food. They take it SO seriously. It is really one of the fundamental needs for humans.


I have no idea how badly UK has gotten. Really badly.

Edited by salsafan
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Is it though?? Is it easy to work 40/50 hours a week, bring up a family, maintain your house and still have time to take regular exercise? I think it's bloody hard to be honest!


It's a lot easier to eat healthy though. Although, it's also easy to call in the chippy or shove some crap in the microwave.


You don't have to go to a gym to exercise, you can be (more) active at work. Even if you're sat in front of a computer for 40+ hours a week you should get up & move around. Take a walk at lunchtimes, use the stairs, etc. Standing desks are a fad that might catch on too.


You need to do some of both, you can't just eat healthily & slob around all day.


I don't think chippys are as bad as the big fast food chains, at least if you're ordering fish & it's a decent chippy. Not all sandwich shops, restaurants & cafes are bad, even some pubs do ok food now. Just stay away from the heavily processed food that the big corporations are pushing in chain restaurants, pubs, fast food & supermarkets.

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Is it though?? Is it easy to work 40/50 hours a week, bring up a family, maintain your house and still have time to take regular exercise? I think it's bloody hard to be honest!


It's a lot easier to eat healthy though. Although, it's also easy to call in the chippy or shove some crap in the microwave.


But nobody should work a 40/50 hour week, that is the whole point. It is NOT a life. Most countries have a 37 hour week, and this is the "statistical" optimal point. So you cannot blame or think to put the blame on other areas of life when the one causing the most problem is affecting your health in the biggest of ways.


These days, projects will always be ongoing, and people will always be fired. Jobs shall always change, but you have one health. I would walk out if it hits 37 hours. In the end, if you do not pace yourself, it is your own health at risk, and then you get more angry and grumpy. You put it to your children, you put it to your neighbours, you become more and more of an angry person. It causes anxiety, indigestion, and other health issues, which builds up slowly hidden inside of you.

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