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What's one thing you know about Sheffield you think no-one else knows?

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Back in the early 1980s, there used to be a pub in Sheffield called Woodstock Diner. It was set out like an American diner, but of course the waitresses spoke with local accents--all except one: she not only looked straight out of a Woody Allen movie, but talked like it too. It turned out that her name was Amy Allison, and she had left Long Island to live in Sheffield with her husband. Amy loved living in Sheffield! She adored: Castle Market; The Kashmir, on Spital Hill; The Leadmill; and, of course, the beautiful suburbs and their framing countryside. Most of all. Amy loved the friendliness of Sheffielders, so much so that-- when her husband wanted to move back to work in New York--she did her best to persuade him to stay. Her efforts were unsuccessful, and the couple returned to the US at the end of 1983.

She wrote a song called Sheffield streets.


Wow! Awesome story :)

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Really is that true ?


No. Its the biggest myth about Meadowhall. That floor is solid, no tunnels or bodybags. I worked security there back in the the 90,s and I never saw these alleged rooms. The whole place was built on the most soiled of landscapes, which meant hundreds of thousands of tonnes of contaminated soil was removed, and replaced by the same in fresh hardcore. The only real mistake was the fact that the central dome was built lower than the rest of the building, thus causing a flood waiting to happen. One other thing, the whole place was built to ensure no-one is more than 10 seconds away from a fire escape (depending on how fast you can run!) A pretty impressive building, despite its natural swimming pool around the central escalators when it rains!

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Where did they put all the contaminated soil that was removed? :suspect:


It makes me wonder too. That is something I dont know. I think it had something to do with the steelworks, ie oil, filings etc. Its probably been put into containers, and shipped off to the four corners of the earth.

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People send letters and postcards from abroad addressed to Madonna Ciccone (THE Madonna) and Lourdes - at the Manor Castle, Sheffield, England.


I've no idea where or how these people got the idea she lives there!


Probably wont show up on google earth.B Lanes too small..:P


I remember the game it was Easter 1980 and a great goal by curran at the bramall lane end I was stood right behind the goal.

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I remember the game it was Easter 1980 and a great goal by curran at the bramall lane end I was stood right behind the goal.


I was in the toilets when the roar went up. Had to wait until it was on the box to see it and what a beauty.

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