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Ukraine warns Russia against 'aggression' in Crimea

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I am Leaving the Forum.


When I signed up for it, I had no idea that its members applaud extremists for KILLING RUSSIAN people in the East of Ukraine, in Donetsk and Luhansk.


I still can't believe that the majority of British people support neo-Nazia backed by the US government and NATO.


'And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.' (Math 10,14).


Behold your house is left to you!


Putins propaganda doesn't work on here,and it never will do.

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I am Leaving the Forum.


When I signed up for it, I had no idea that its members applaud extremists for KILLING RUSSIAN people in the East of Ukraine, in Donetsk and Luhansk.


I still can't believe that the majority of British people support neo-Nazia backed by the US government and NATO.


'And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.' (Math 10,14).


Behold your house is left to you!


You gave it a fairish try but your point of view with the belief that religion and repressive type government under the guise of protectionism is an acceptable form of leadership smell a bit like Franco's fascist Spain or Catholic dominated Ireland under the heel of the English


Religion has no part of democracy or government. Kneel at the altar on Sundays if you wish and go vote on Mondays if you wish but make sure they keep well apart

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Had to laugh tonight. BBC reporter at Doneskt airport saying that the majority of firing was outgoing by the pro-Russian rebels, when an incoming shell hit the building behind him!


The EU gave millions of euros to pro-EU groups in the Ukraine and offered them membership of the EU and NATO.


How would the USA feel if Mexico signed a treaty with Russia and Russian missiles and troops were sited on the border with the US?


If you want to know the Russians point of view (not likely reading some of the comments on here, but still) read this.



Edited by Harrystottle
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Had to laugh tonight. BBC reporter at Doneskt airport saying that the majority of firing was outgoing by the pro-Russian rebels, when an incoming shell hit the building behind him!


The EU gave millions of euros to pro-EU groups in the Ukraine and offered them membership of the EU and NATO.


How would the USA feel if Mexico signed a treaty with Russia and Russian missiles and troops were sited on the border with the US?


We dealt with Cuba back in 62 when they pulled that stunt.


Anyway what gives you the idea that there will be missiles aimed at Russia from the Ukraine? :loopy:


If it was intended to fire missiles at Russia they could be fired from Kansas

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Had to laugh tonight. BBC reporter at Doneskt airport saying that the majority of firing was outgoing by the pro-Russian rebels, when an incoming shell hit the building behind him!


The EU gave millions of euros to pro-EU groups in the Ukraine and offered them membership of the EU and NATO.


How would the USA feel if Mexico signed a treaty with Russia and Russian missiles and troops were sited on the border with the US?


If you want to know the Russians point of view (not likely reading some of the comments on here, but still) read this.




Nobody has offered Ukraine membership of NATO...........Russia offered cheap gas to Ukraine to keep them subjugated to them,the Ukrainians wanted to look West towards the EU,not East towards the Kremlin,that's why they filled Kiev centre for weeks.

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If it was intended to fire missiles at Russia they could be fired from Kansas


Then why did the USA deploy Patriot missiles in Poland?




Look, it comes down to this. 99% of what we are getting on UK TV news re the Ukraine is not news at all, it is propaganda.

Putin is "land grabbing"?

The West promised not to expand eastwards towards Russia; not to offer NATO membership to former Eastern bloc countries, and it has comprehensively broken that promise. The facts don't take much finding (see the link in my earlier post) but as I say we are not being given facts, just propaganda.


I'm not a commie red-under-the-bed btw, anything but.

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Then why did the USA deploy Patriot missiles in Poland?




Look, it comes down to this. 99% of what we are getting on UK TV news re the Ukraine is not news at all, it is propaganda.

Putin is "land grabbing"?

The West promised not to expand eastwards towards Russia; not to offer NATO membership to former Eastern bloc countries, and it has comprehensively broken that promise. The facts don't take much finding (see the link in my earlier post) but as I say we are not being given facts, just propaganda.


I'm not a commie red-under-the-bed btw, anything but.


It's not propaganda........it really happened,Putin went into Crimea and annexed it.

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Then why did the USA deploy Patriot missiles in Poland?




Look, it comes down to this. 99% of what we are getting on UK TV news re the Ukraine is not news at all, it is propaganda.

Putin is "land grabbing"?

The West promised not to expand eastwards towards Russia; not to offer NATO membership to former Eastern bloc countries, and it has comprehensively broken that promise. The facts don't take much finding (see the link in my earlier post) but as I say we are not being given facts, just propaganda.


I'm not a commie red-under-the-bed btw, anything but.


Patriot missiles are defensive missiles, they're surface to air missiles designed to be launched from the ground to destroy aircraft or other missiles.

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It's not propaganda........it really happened,Putin went into Crimea and annexed it.


And what has the west been doing since Germany was re-unified? How many Eastern bloc countries were in the EU and NATO then, and how many now?


---------- Post added 17-02-2015 at 11:28 ----------


We dealt with Cuba back in 62 when they pulled that stunt.


Then why wouldn't the Russians want to deal with the West pulling the same stunt?

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I am Leaving the Forum.
Good, we could do with less pro-Pantin bias in Ukraine/Russia-related threads :)

When I signed up for it, I had no idea that its members applaud extremists for KILLING RUSSIAN people in the East of Ukraine, in Donetsk and Luhansk.
Err...that'll be Ukrainians killing Ukrainians, in a good old fashioned civil war fomented by the FSB Kremlin, then :roll:


Or were you complaining about the Russian cannon-fodder, who shouldn't be (isn't, according to the Kremlin) on that side of the border and killed in action, whose deaths the Kremlin currently explains away to their families as 'suicide' and whatnot?


As regards 'extremism'...last I checked, that was the correct tag for those people refusing to recognise their democratically elected Gvt and, rather than engaging in proper and legal mechanisms to bring about the change they want, conducting armed struggle with the active support and collaboration of a foreign state instead.

I still can't believe that the majority of British people support neo-Nazia backed by the US government and NATO.

I can't believe Russians are still falling for the same maskirovkas and rhetoric, close to 100 years on: you wouldn't think such a well-educated and sizeable population would still subscribe blindly to the autocratic model, several times in a row now :roll:

Edited by L00b
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