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The Plight of Manchester United..


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Not a Man Utd fan in the sense of the word- but still it is a shame that one of the biggest clubs in Europe (and from these shores) is on a downward spiral.


Over the last two decades, AF built a powerful brand in Man Utd and made it stronger the more they won- the team brought entertainment and gave us the pleasure of watching the likes of Cantona, Beckham/Scholes/Giggs (at their peak), Van Nistelrooy, Ole Gunner- just to name a few.


The Premier League could boast that these players played for a British Club, a club that was globally strong- so saying that, I wouldn't like to see them lose that hold like Liverpool did.

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Manchester United are in a right old pickle at the moment, do you take delight in this or feel sorry for the fallen champions.


Old Fergie was always going to be a hard act to follow for any manager and I applauded the club at the time for giving a British guy a chance in the hotseat, Moyse must be feeling the pressure in a big way now with the season all but over unless they can perform miracles.


I must admit i've enjoyed watching United over the years as they play the game the right way and have been involved in some of the most enjoyable games of the last twenty years or so.


A major rebuild is needed now though and if they dont make the top four this season they could be in the wilderness for a while (look at the once mighty Liverpool).


I think the only people feeling sorry for manure are their fans, I certainly am not. Nice to see refs having the bottle to give important decisions against them now

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For the first time I actually felt quite sorry for Moyes the other day when the goalie let in that soft goal in the last minute.


He must be thinking whatever can go wrong will go wrong at the moment.


I'm not sorry for their supporters though, they're now starting to find out what it means to be a proper supporter and stick by your club through thick and thin....I wonder how many of the glory hunters will stick by them during the thin? - Welcome to the world of normal footie fans.


Did anybody hear that recording of the Man Utd supporter who phoned 999 to speak to Alex Ferguson? - Absolutely bonkers!!!







Edited by Doom
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even though I'm not in Britain right now and also in a country that is not interested in football at all, I find all this kind of funny. They are 7th in the league and not doing bad at all. So only 85 rather than 90 plus other professional clubs in England would prefer be in their place. Is that really the end of the world, or anything close to it?

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I think it is hilarious, half my wives family are Man U fans (other half LFC, toasty!) and it is wonderful to read their moans and groans, I simply reply with: Wednesday. (to be fair, if I replied SUFC they would probably die of agony, I wanted to spare them that hardship).

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