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My dear friend was going to look after our puppy over Christmas and New Year and her dog has developed kennel cough,can anyone suggest anywhere that will take a tiny Shih Tzu, he's almost paper trained and he lives in his cage, only taken out for feeding, playing, and putting on paper to wee. Please contact me ASAP if anyone knows. Thankyou A.

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Ask the breeder you got the dog off if they will look after it for a fee. I wouldn't have considered getting a pup then leaving it so soon.


When we got our first dog he was ready to come to us shortly before our holiday. We didn't want to put him in kennels so soon after we got him so we asked the breeder if she would keep him for three weeks longer. We offered her money but she said she was glad we had taken it into consideration and kept him for a few weeks longer at no extra charge.

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Just out of curiosity - does the puppy spend the majority of his time locked in a cage then???


Oh, well spotted. I missed that bit. Perhaps the o.p means crate trained? We have a young pup at the moment and we crate her at night. Its a very big crate, big enough for her to run round in. All of our dogs have been given a crate as a bed. Once they see the crate as their bed they try to get in them before you have unfolded it and put it up.


Pups need lots of attention so I hope it isn't stuck in the crate all day. If it is it will never bond with the owners and develop into a nice balanced dog.

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1149 You can uncross your fingers now and please don't worry about my little one being locked in his crate, contrary to the posts that seem to think my pup is suffering in his crate, this method of training a pup is highly recommended as pups like a den where they can spend time alone, when they want. As a matter of fact this poor little one is layed on the shelf on my coffee table on his back with all four paws in the air having just eaten his tea, he is surrounded by pets toys where he's been playing all afternoon. I recently had to have my other pet dog put to sleep to stop him suffering as he had cancer on his face and he was six years old which is no age for a dog but no ammount of money could cure him.

I am a fit lady of seventy years old and have had dogs all my life, and I've probably forgotten more that you'll ever know......

Ps as a matter of interest just what do you do with your dog apart from playing, feeding, weeing? Don't say walking though because I can't do that yet for another week when he is clear after his injections.

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