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Things I'm Sick To Death Of..


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Sister's daughter-in-law to be. Can't eat common or garden scran but only reight expensive stuff. Eats all the smoked salmon in the house (so there's none left for anyone else) then complains she's OD'd on the stuff, as if we were force feeding her :mad:

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my biggest hate is the mindless sun and daily mail readers who want britain back where it was 20/30 years ago when we were a racist nation run by scum who were ignorant to other people's cultures. just because the papers say there's gonna be a mass influx of romanians/czech whatever, doesnt mean its true.


people who sit at home and make these assumptions and judgements on people, but wouldnt speak out against it given the chance, who would still employ a foreign builder/painter/decorator in their house if they did the job twice as quick for half the price.


the real threat to our country are the politicians in power, the corrupt police force and the courts who jail innocent people while criminals run free.

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I've put this in the Sheffield section as some are relevant.


I am sick and tired of (some may be uninformed but I dont care):


Mass Immigration - causes far too much strain on an already overflowing country, has effect on schools, hospitals, services etc


Health & Safety - Treating everybody like pampered namby-pambys, there is a place for rigorous H&S in places like the construction industry but it is done in such an OTT way that it almost prevents work being carried out.


Being ripped off - Rip off Britain is a fact, energy companies, supermarkets, insurance companies and so on, we are being royally shafted from all sides until the average punter hardly has a spare penny to boost the flagging economy.


The "big three" political parties - Total and utter waste of time, all three are as corrupt, greedy and in it for themselves as each other and anyone that dares to challenge them is branded a crank or a looney by the media they control, how people can put a cross on a paper for any of these parasites is beyond me.


Sheffield City Council - A grubby bunch of failures masquerading as a legit organisation, awarding idiots £100k + salaries whilst failing to provide even the most basic of services they were established to provide, likened by one critic as being unable to "run a whelk stall", the current failure to do anything to boost this great but ailing city is a disgrace.


Eastenders - I hate this programme with a passion and whoever commissions and watches the Xmas day edition should be ashamed


Big Business Call centres - Devoid of common sense, reason and knowledge


Theres more but I don't have the time just now :hihi:


In regards to the big business call centres- perhaps, the companies are just as you described, but the people working there are real gems, especially knowing what the average british caller is like. And, no, I dont work in one, but recently had a few calls to make and was actually surprised, how tolerant, polite and rather cheerful these people were alongside being really professional. Obviously, I there exclude those based in other countries, where I cant even differ what language I am being greeted in (I speak 3 fluently and understand another 3). Not everyone is the same.


As to the immigrants- I am one myself. I have never dreamed of asking for benefits or anyway else have wrongly used the services provided for me as a tax payer. I agree that the burden of housing and socially supporting many has hardened, but, please remember, that there are tons of people claiming all sorts and not all of them are immigrants. Perhaps, seeing things for what they are and being a bit more thoughtful to others would be a great help.

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What winds me up? The ceaseless garbage on the front pages of The Mail and Express especially that pertaining to increasing house prices somehow being something we should be happy about.


Don't read that tripe. Seriously, it's bad for your health. My grandma had her fatal heart attack while reading the Mail :gag:

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