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Is this legal? : Stoning of grass verges


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can kinda see both sides of this argument. I don't really think anyone is right or wrong.


Regarding parking partially onto the pavement. In my parents village it's done by everyone. The pavements are wide and you can park half off the road without stopping people getting past.

I've never heard anyone complain about it, and even the odd police car you see is parked like that.

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Cars quite simply should not be parked on verges - it is nothing more than vandalism.


If someone damages their car parking illegally because they hit an ornamental part of the pavements greenery that they didn't see because they couldn't be bothered to look then it is their own stupid fault.


As for steering out of the way of emergency vehicles this is a poor excuse. The design is generally so that the grass verge is just short sections between drives, so the driver could easily pull into the hard bit at the top of the drive - they do not need to continue onto the grass (and will avoid damaging their suspension by bumping down the curb).


As far as parking half on the pavement I don't think this is so bad, as long as enough room remains on the pavement for pedestrians to pass safely (including those with wheelchairs or pushchairs).

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The land that forms the verge outside homes doesn't, in most cases, belong to the householder. They aren't marking their territory, it's not their land any more than it's mine. However, it's not a crime. If the owner of the land has a problem with the rocks they would have to take it up with the householder.


However, taking the rocks and chucking them over the wall onto the householders car in protest would be a crime, and very satisfying. I imagine :hihi:

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I remember that this started to happen in our village when I was a youth. I also remember the council removing them.


Although I'm not against them myself I believe the reason they where removed was if any injuries did occur they could take the council to court as it was on there land.


As an example how many times have you seen reports where somebody (usually youths) fall through a factory roof and is injured. They then claim from the company for not maintaining the roof even though they shouldn't have been there.


In regards to parking on the verges this is wrong but has other people have said it is different if you are getting out of the way of emergency vehicle.


What if you are driving down the road and a kid runs out. I don't think a plea of "I had to run over him or I would have hit these big stones" would work.

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Originally posted by SlimboyFat

Although I'm not against them myself I believe the reason they where removed was if any injuries did occur they could take the council to court as it was on there land.


As an example how many times have you seen reports where somebody (usually youths) fall through a factory roof and is injured. They then claim from the company for not maintaining the roof even though they shouldn't have been there.


Believe me cases like this are a myth. Im a personal injury lawyer. They would never succeed. Its all something the papers hype up. The odd case slips through, then is corrected on appeal by the higher Courts. Same goes for the press favourite "criminal sent on holiday by courts". Media hype designed to cause a stir. Nothing else.

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Originally posted by Mooseyb

Believe me cases like this are a myth. Im a personal injury lawyer. They would never succeed. Its all something the papers hype up. The odd case slips through, then is corrected on appeal by the higher Courts. Same goes for the press favourite "criminal sent on holiday by courts". Media hype designed to cause a stir. Nothing else.



You may be correct, I am not in a position to know. Just stating what I have read. ??

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That practice is soooo annoying!! yeah ive seen people paint them white, but why??? so we can see the rocks that shouldnt be there anyway?? or to mark out there drives?? if its so hard to see then those people shouldn't be driving at night anyway!! last year my dads car got stuck on a rock, his was driving up our hill and it was really really icy and snowing and he tried to pull in to our drive and the wheels locked, the car slid backwards and on to a rock, now you might say that that is what stopped the car but this is a substantial grass verge that would have stopped him anyway!! he nearly had a heart attack trying to get the rock out from underneath the car!! next day another neighbour moved them for him and they were never put back.

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