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Dogs barking the dead of night in Hillsborough

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We hear them too we live near the park, ive always pursomed it's the police dog's down at the niagra

Its not every night though, suppose it depends which way the winds blowing lol :D


Im sure if it was a pack of wolf's they'd be howling not barking.

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Thanks for your replies, folks.


I would feel a lot better knowing it's not some moron who is wrecking the peace of their neighbours. Maybe it is the police dogs. I've been out to listen and even drove around (desperate, I know) but nothing (Sod's law, eh!).


At least is isn't every night and it does depend on how clam the night is.


Watch out for the werewolves!


Thanks again.

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I think it will be the Police dogs at Niagara I work just round the corner from them and can often hear them during the day, so at night the sound will carry a lot further when its quiet.


How can it be quiet if there's dogs barking? :huh:

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