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Should I make a complaint?

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My point is that it could have been prevented, of course learner drivers make mistakes. I certainly did, but I never hit another car and my instructor was alert and competent enough to take the necessary action if it seemed like this was going to happen.


There was no damage AND you got an apology.What more do you want ?

You could contact the Star.They would be very pleased to photograph you and your damaged child looking sad in front of your non damaged car.:hihi:

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I don't want to seem judgemental about this but if you saw the learner coming towards you, could you not have moved to the left slightly there by making enough room? I'm not saying the learner was in the right passing the obstruction when you were already there, but you must remember they are a learner driver so by definition they will and do make mistakes. You on the other hand are a qualified full licence holding driver, as such it is your duty as a qualified driver to scan your surroundings and the road ahead for possible hazards. Maybe you could contact the driving school asking for a formal written apology, I doubt you'll get one though seeing as you spoke to instructor at the scene

Edited by kanda8
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Hi Butterball, sorry this happened to you, sounds upsetting.


Sounds like the thing that's most aggravating is that if the driving instructor had dual controls, he should have prevented the incident, which is a reasonable view.


Is it possible that instructor didn't have dual controls?


My family and I have had dealings with three different driving instructors about 10 years ago. None of them had dual controls. It may have changed since then, though.


Anyway, glad you're OK!

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Yesterday my wing mirror was clipped by a learner driver. The obstruction was on her side and she still carried on coming and hit my mirror. There was no damage obviously and the instructor got out and double checked, apologised and said she told her to stop. Well, they have duel controls, she could have stopped the car herself. I was a learner driver myself last year so I do understand and I hope the girl was ok, as I imagine she was a bit shaken up, I would have been. I was angry because I had my three children in the car and my son knew something had happened because he kept saying "what happened mummy?". I feel like the instructor could have prevented this.


Accident, no damage no injuries instructor got out.apologised.Are you taking the Michael,accept it and enjoy the rest of the week:)

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Hi Butterball, sorry this happened to you, sounds upsetting.


Sounds like the thing that's most aggravating is that if the driving instructor had dual controls, he should have prevented the incident, which is a reasonable view.


Is it possible that instructor didn't have dual controls?


My family and I have had dealings with three different driving instructors about 10 years ago. None of them had dual controls. It may have changed since then, though.


Anyway, glad you're OK!

for goodness sake she clipped the wing mirrorWe were hit by a tanker while on holiday abroad, turned our hire car over 3 times in the middle of the road My daughter was 9 months old at the timeYou will get over we did:(
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for goodness sake she clipped the wing mirrorWe were hit by a tanker while on holiday abroad, turned our hire car over 3 times in the middle of the road My daughter was 9 months old at the timeYou will get over we did:(


I don't believe you.


Why are people so quick to presume there is malicious intent and the desire to put a claim in by everyone, it's such a cynical outlook. I would hate to be you. The wrong was done to me not by me and as I stated in OP I hope the girl was ok and wasn't too shaken up by it but I do think the instructor could have taken preventative measures. That's assuming she had duel controls, I wasn't aware that some learner cars don't. It was a national learner driver company so I may find out. I take it all the people here that think this is a 'mountain out if a molehill yadayadayada" have never ever complained about a member of staff in any establishment before? Hmmm, I feel a wave of cynicism coming on myself :cool:

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I don't believe you.


Why are people so quick to presume there is malicious intent and the desire to put a claim in by everyone, it's such a cynical outlook.


Perhaps we could ask why some people are so desperate to have their opinions and lives validated by a bunch of strangers on the internet they've never met before.


1) Did you survive the incident?


2) Was your car undamaged?


3) Did the driving instructor get out of his car to check for damage and apologise to you?


Then please continue on with your life and get back to being a great parent to your kids.


What more do you want? The girls head on a stick?



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