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Problems with Dog Mess

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You will find that if they EAT the bones and MARROW their poo will go white because of the calcium content of the bones, just licking bones wont change anything.


---------- Post added 15-04-2013 at 14:49 ----------



Spot on, people should revert to feeding dogs with what their ancestors ate bones and raw meat.


I know that's what they say, but mine do suck the marrow out and eat the bones, I let them have them until there are just small bits left, then I chuck them out of fear they'll choke on them (I know dogs shouldn't really do things like that but one of our danes is so daft she is a danger to herself and everyone near her! lol)


I have trained mine to do their business on our garden only, because there poos are really big and it isn't great carrying them round until we find a bin. I don't walk my dogs near parks or anywhere where there's lots of children either but we live in a rural village so we are spoiled for choice in where to walk. I found it pretty easy to train our dogs to poo on the garden and now it's just part of their routine really, they get sent out for "poo poos and wee wees" and if they look like they're wanting to do a poo somewhere I don't want them to, I say "no poo poos" and they will hold it (this came in very handy at the vets recently, which could have been unpleasant for people in the waiting room!)

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Thanks Evei. Yes, I've just googled white dog poo (never thought I'd need to do that :hihi:) and the consensus of opinion is that it is diet related. So I stand corrected Lazarus. Just one more question. Does brown dog poo eventually go white then or not?

I don't know what annoys me more. The fact that people don't clean up after their dogs (& I accept in exceptional circumstances ie raging diarrhoea, inaccessable, precarious postitions & in the black of night trying to juggle dog lead, poo bag & torch all at once can be a challenge) or the people who shove it in a bag then dump the bag.

Never worked out why no one has yet invented a dog poo disintegrating product. Anyone?

This made me laugh




They did

, and poop freeze



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I always think of this when i read about dog poo arguments . I once saw two men arguing regarding one of them letting his dog poo outside the home of the other man , then walking off and leaving the dog mess there for the other man to sort out . He did , he picked it up in his hand ( it must have been still warm) and pushed it in the face of the guy who owned the dog , the guy was then sick in front of his house as well , so he then had another nasty mess to clean up , but i haven't seen the guy walking his dog near his house anymore .

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[/color]Why doesn't Sheffield council do what other councils do and pay someone to watch dog walkers and hand out on the spot fines for leaving it? It's clearly needed in Sheffield because there are always loads of threads about it. More people should complain to the council because they won't do anything until they do.


Totally unenforcable. The dog owner would either tell the council`s dog poo watcher to sling their hook ,ignore them or would just give them a false name and address.

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Totally unenforcable. The dog owner would either tell the council`s dog poo watcher to sling their hook ,ignore them or would just give them a false name and address.


I suppose so. It was something I saw on a reality daytime tv show a few years ago though. It was something they did amongst other things like spray painting the poo. The council should do something about it. Maybe they will be able to enforce it in 2016 when they can just scan your dogs microchip?

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Generally, the type of people who don't pick up their dog eggs are unapproachable on the subject. There's never going to be a time when you could have a rational conversation and sway their opinion on the matter.


There are the ones who just don't do it because they are filthy, and the ones who just won't do it because they think someone else should pick it up. They are too good to do it themselves.


People love dogs and dogs have to crap. People don't like to handle crap. Crap will be left behind. We will spread it around and make room for more crap. A never ending cycle of crap.

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i agree but also as a dog owner you will know that its not always possible to clean up a dogs poo, if the dog is ill and has the runs its impossible to clean up


Then don't take your dog out!.. I wouldn't fancy any of my dogs picking up a bug from a dog that was sick .

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Ha! oh dear... we have JUST started 'getting hit with it' on Skelton Estate in Woodhouse heading to Co-op on the pavements and occasionally grass verge...ssstttonking piles, from a 'Rottie' walker think...

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