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Coronation Street thread


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If you want to gauge how pathetic the storylines are, look no further than Micheal has OHS then bouncing about like a jumping bean.


Well, yes, but prolonged prostrate feebleness doesn't really make for gripping TV, does it?!


It is breathtaking, though, the liberties they take with their representation of medical situations - apparently even Holby City is just as bad - drips set up but unconnected to anything useful, ridiculous dosages of drugs, professional protocols ignored on a monumental scale...


It was the same with 'educational scenes' though, whenever they showed life inside 'Weatherfield Comp' (no school is ever called XY or Z Comp/rehensive', for crying out loud! Any references to the curriculum or assessment were about 15 years out of date, and classroom practice was totally unrealistic.


The other thing they always get wrong is references to people being threatened with eviction. Some poor character is a day late with their rent, and they are told they must leave by Friday. It just doesn't work like that.


Why don't they get someone to check the script who knows something about the topic in question?!

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With all the extra channels we have now, a re-run from the first episode should shown right up to the present day, that's if can spare the Sixty years.:hihi:


When granada plus started as a tv channel (about 20 years ago?) they started running all the episodes they had from the earliest date they had consecutive episodes - i think it started from the early 70's - they just didn't keep copies of all the earlier ones - granada plus doesn't exist anymore - i think it was shut down when itv 3 & 4 were started - the stories were a lot slower then and a lot less dramatic most of the time, but, as it was only on twice a week, they had less time to fill and a lot fewer characters - they also didn't have to compete with eastenders - the worst thing that ever happened to corrie in my worthless opinion was when whoever decided they had to compete with the tripe produced by the bbc

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