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Coronation Street thread


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Last night's cricket match was unbelievable.The scoreboard changed from 1 wicket back to 0 with the camera running.When Cal (?) was out the bails didn't move,the ball hit his bat and landed 2 feet in front of him so how on earth was he out? When the tenth wicket fell another player came in (Rob).

Unbelievably amateur production.

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  • 6 months later...
The casting of Bethany Platt is ridiculous. I know she's meant to look older than her years so her flying from Milan is plausible, but she looks older than her mother!!


She's supposed to have been living in Milan for all of her life, yet has a Mancunian accent :confused:

I accept that Coronation Street is a soap opera, but the storylines and casting is beyond ridiculous.

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With all the extra channels we have now, a re-run from the first episode should shown right up to the present day, that's if can spare the Sixty years.:hihi:


I'd love to see a re-run of Prisoner Cell Block H, all 692 episodes :love:

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The most implausible aspect of Corrie is what happens to the babies.


They are born, dramatically enough... then permanently ignored. They are (apparently) left upstairs for weeks on end and never mentioned. Their parents go to the pub with no reference to who's minding them. The adults get on with their lives undisturbed by sleep deprivation, the need to play with their children, take them to the doctors, cuddle them or generally behave in a parentlike way. There is no sign of the baby's existence in the house.


The recent representation of Faye's experience of childbirth at 13 is about as unrealistic as you can get. Social Services would have been involved...someone would have said 'Do you want to keep this baby, or have it adopted?', not just assume that she did.


I'm also keen to know how the scriptwriters are going to explain Deidre's absence.Are they just going to pretend she never existed, or what?

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The most implausible aspect of Corrie is what happens to the babies.


They are born, dramatically enough... then permanently ignored. They are (apparently) left upstairs for weeks on end and never mentioned. Their parents go to the pub with no reference to who's minding them. The adults get on with their lives undisturbed by sleep deprivation, the need to play with their children, take them to the doctors, cuddle them or generally behave in a parentlike way. There is no sign of the baby's existence in the house.


The recent representation of Faye's experience of childbirth at 13 is about as unrealistic as you can get. Social Services would have been involved...someone would have said 'Do you want to keep this baby, or have it adopted?', not just assume that she did.




I'm also keen to know how the scriptwriters are going to explain Deidre's absence.Are they just going to pretend she never existed, or what?


And how come they are always in the pub or the cafe, when they only live on the doorstep? And what happened to Eccles the dog? Nobody ever takes him/her for a walk! As for the Bethany storyline, are we really expected to believe she is only 14, and that she travelled from Milan alone, with no cash, that people knew her after a 7 year absence, and that she has no suntan?

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The most implausible aspect of Corrie is what happens to the babies.


They are born, dramatically enough... then permanently ignored. They are (apparently) left upstairs for weeks on end and never mentioned. Their parents go to the pub with no reference to who's minding them. The adults get on with their lives undisturbed by sleep deprivation, the need to play with their children, take them to the doctors, cuddle them or generally behave in a parentlike way. There is no sign of the baby's existence in the house.


The recent representation of Faye's experience of childbirth at 13 is about as unrealistic as you can get. Social Services would have been involved...someone would have said 'Do you want to keep this baby, or have it adopted?', not just assume that she did.

I'm also keen to know how the scriptwriters are going to explain Deidre's absence.Are they just going to pretend she never existed, or what?


They could get a different actress to play her, like they did with Nick Tilsley or Tracey Barlow

Edited by Mister M
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They could get a different actress to play her, like they did with Nick Tilsley or Tracey Barlow


I suppose...but with Kirkbride's sheer length of service in the role (her entire adult life), I think it would be very difficult for anyone else to play the part convincingly.


The storyline itself (surrounding Deidre's prolonged absence) is pants, isn't it? And nobody even mentions her any more. Old Goat Ken's making overtures to Audrey, Tracey appears to have forgotten her mother exists...they've dug themselves a big hole.

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