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Poll-Would you pay a £1 a year to keep Don Valley open?

Would you pay a pound a year to keep Don Valley open?  

352 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you pay a pound a year to keep Don Valley open?

    • Yes
    • No

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I would gladly pay a pound to keep it open. More things are held there than what people think, and its the last big thing we have left in sheffield, leeds will have a new bigger arena to compete with ours, the world snooker championship will be moved soon. So why would people visit sheffield our busy town centre with empty shops?

For those people who think paying a pound is a waste to keep it open, the plan is to redevelope the woodbourn road site again to try and get it to a similar level to don valley. So all your taxes will be spent on building a smaller crapier version of don valley.

Lets not forget all the money lost with the compulsary purchases made on the shops down the moor and around town for that redevelopement that has been going on for how many years now with nothing to show for it.

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SCC basically admitting they made a mistake, I can't believe the place where I enjoyed so many concerts including the 'King of Pop' himself, is to be torn down!!??.. It's a real shame, the city of sport is turning into the city of demolished area's due to council mistakes.


Now that the Leeds Arena has been given the green light, don't be surprised if the Sheffield Arena soon goes the same way, closed down & then ripped down - finally having an Ikea there, which was the original idea.

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According to the SCC it costs £700k per year to run Don Valley and according to the latest census there’s around 699,000 people living in Sheffield.


So if we all paid a pound a year we could keep this excellent facility open and hopefully one day nurture another Olympic champion.


So simple question, if asked would you pay a pound a year to keep this open?


Why should we pay for something that the council should be paying for? If they can't think of a way to keep it running, why did they open the thing in the first place?

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Why should she?


Genuine question: why should she make up for the Council's lack of relevant planning/foresight/policies/etc. (at least where Don Valley stadium is concerned) just because she recently done good?


Smacks a bit of misplaced, spend-others-money-like-it's-going-out-of-fashion socialism if you ask me :twisted:


Hurrah, I thought I was the only one thinking it. By paying your pound a year, you're agreeing with the council that they can't make money from a venue that should be making money not losing it. It will be left to rot for another year because the council tax payers expect so little from scc.

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Hell, no. It's nothing more than a vanity project for the council and the so-called legacy of the World Student Games.


Its closure is obviously a disappointment for anyone who's interested in athletics, but for the vast majority who have never set foot in the place it is unviable in today's economic climate.


Better spend the money on the city centre and replace it with housing.

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