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Frightening Journey home last night, by someone with road rage

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I was travelling home last night in my car. I managed to get forced into the wrong lane by an articulated lorry. No big deal. These things happen. So when the lights changed I indicated and paused to advise my intention to change lanes. I gave plenty of notice, and nipped into a gap in the traffic (it was during 'rush hour')...No big deal! However the car I had nipped in front of took exception to me having the affront to switch into his lane in front of him. Whereupon he leaned on the horn, and flashed his lights and leaned out of his window giving me the 'bird'. I didn't respond. I just carried on normally. However he came off the same slip road as me and started to follow me. he was driving no more than 6 inches from my bumper. I thought maybe it was coincidence that he happened to be going the same way. But no, he was still behind me...far too close, and still flashing his lights and shouting something obscene.


This carried on for another 2 miles or so, with me turning off the route I was taking, just to confirm he 'was' actually following me. He was!! By this time I was getting seriously worried, and did contemplate driving to the local police station. I locked all the doors in case I had to stop for some reason. I was starting to actually panic.


I had to slow up at some traffic lights...so I crept up towards the tail end of the traffic...making sure I didn't actually have to stop...I turned left at those lights, and saw a golden opportunity to 'force' the lunatic behind me to pass. The traffic was heavy and there was a long row of cars parked to my left, but in amongst them, was a gap big enough to get my car into. So I pulled into the gap knowing the loon couldn't park behind me, and due to the weight of traffic would be forced to drive past.


What happened next? It gets worse! The lunatic who had been following me pulled up along side me and stopped. Rolled his passenger window down and starts shouting the most foul mouthed abuse I've ever heard (and I've heard a few). Just then, there's someone banging the passenger door window with such force it made me jump. I thought someone had got out of the lunatics car and was trying to break my passenger window to get in!!..It turns out it was some old bloke who's drive I had just stopped in front of. He's now effing and blinding from the passenger side of my car and banging furiously on the window. So now I've got it from both sides! Eventually, the loony is forced to move, cos he's causing traffic to block up through the traffic lights, and people are honking and flashing him, cos he's blocking the road. Meanwhile the old bloke is in full, foul mouthed flow and won't let me get a word in edgeways to explain that I've no intention of actually parking there, or explain why I pulled into the 'gap'.


After taking a couple of minutes to try in vain to explain what happened, and the old fella simply not listening, and being far more intent on questioning my parentage, I decide it's time to pull out of the gap and wend my way home.


What a nightmare!


Why do people get so angry? I just take things a bit more laid back. What's the point of intimidating someone to that extent? Why wouldn't the old bloke take a few seconds to listen to my predicament? I don't get it!


Sorry It's a bit of a long winded post folks...But you know me!

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I don't get it either Pete :(


I came past the station last week with a matalan artic to my left all the way from Matilda st. By ponds forge I was speculating as to where he thought he was going, and when he wound up in the lane to take him to the wicker I eased back to give him the space I suspected he needed to get back on the roundabout, pass the parkway exit, and up ?cricket inn rd? To get to the parkway branch of matalan


No nerves were frayed. He didn't thank me for giving him space, but tbh he looked too flustered to be waving to cars he can barely see as he (technically) cuts them up


A bit more give and take avoids accidents and lets us all get home safely


'attitude' or 'temperament' should be part of the driving test!

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Why do people get so angry? I dunno, but that's two people getting so angry with you on one journey home. Bit of a coincidence that.




Hahaha....a coincidence perhaps..well...in as much as the old fella yes, that was unfortunate coincidence.


It all started because I wasn't going to get upset, or argue with a 40 ton truck!

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Hahaha....a coincidence perhaps..well...in as much as the old fella yes, that was unfortunate coincidence.


It all started because I wasn't going to get upset, or argue with a 40 ton truck!


you still made the right decision

(you might have missed my post above)


If you got his reg you could spam the insurance companies and he might find his premium increases next year as he's clearly a risk :D

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you still made the right decision

(you might have missed my post above)


If you got his reg you could spam the insurance companies and he might find his premium increases next year as he's clearly a risk :D


Unfortunately, I didn't get the registration, or even the make of car. He was travelling far too close to even catch a glimpse of it from my mirrors and it was dark. Of course when he eventually was forced to pull away, I was far more preoccupied with the rantings of the other bloke trying to smash my window!


I did see your other post, and I agree, somehow (not sure how), it would make sense to be part of the driving test.


---------- Post added 05-02-2013 at 11:31 ----------


Was that you! :o


I'm sorry about that Pete - I'm always the same when I've not taken my medication! ;)


I suspect that you Mr B, are far more laid back than me!!!!....Almost horizontal! hahahaha

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