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Sign petition against the rise in womens car insurance

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But it is fact and statistics that women are safer drivers and have lower insurance claims so don't feel that it's relevant for it to be categorised as equality and discrimination. I am a safe driver and No claims bonus to show that and now going to be punished by an increase in car insurance for the pleasure. No wonder people drive uninsured!

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But it is fact and statistics that women are safer drivers and have lower insurance claims so don't feel that it's relevant for it to be categorised as equality and discrimination. I am a safe driver and No claims bonus to show that and now going to be punished by an increase in car insurance for the pleasure. No wonder people drive uninsured!


So am I, i also have 3 cars insured all with no claims. So why should i potentially have to pay more than you do just because i'm a bloke.

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If women want equality then they have to put up with all the consequences of it. If you want this rolling back, then you also should have no objection to different pay rates, men's only clubs, and being sacked for being pregnant.


You hit the nail on the head. This is the face of equality, something get better while others get worse, its not all a one way street you know, or do you only want equality when its beneficial to you.

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But it is fact and statistics that women are safer drivers and have lower insurance claims so don't feel that it's relevant for it to be categorised as equality and discrimination. I am a safe driver and No claims bonus to show that and now going to be punished by an increase in car insurance for the pleasure. No wonder people drive uninsured!


Some men have the same argument; why should a safe young male driver be penalised because other male driver are not safe drivers.

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