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Any good remedies for sleepless nights/insomnia?


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Hi everyone. Iv recently moved house and ever since iv had trouble sleeping. Iv had a couple of decent nights in one month! Im thinking of going to my doctor but can anyone recommend any good remedies for lack of sleep? Thanks.

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Hi everyone. Iv recently moved house and ever since iv had trouble sleeping. Iv had a couple of decent nights in one month! Im thinking of going to my doctor but can anyone recommend any good remedies for lack of sleep? Thanks.


Be free from using prescribed medications. Have you considered hypnosis on CD? Ebay it. Or other relaxation cds? You could download them too.


Is there any particular reason why you are finding this challenging?


Have you considered camomile tea?


Best of luck

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Partly depends on what kind of insomnia: difficulty getting off to sleep? difficulty staying asleep? early morning waking? unrefreshing sleep?

Having a very strict bedtime routine helps, nothing stimulating before bedtime, no tea or coffee within hours of bedtime, no TV or computer in your bedroom etc (referred to as 'sleep hygiene')

Talking books are good for helping get off to sleep/ waking in the night. You can download them onto an MP3 player or get them on CDs. Libraries have lots of books on CD if you want to experiment. Very good for distracting your mind if it's busy and your thoughts are keeping you awake.

If the problem persists in spite of self-help measures, suggest you see a doctor.

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Talking books are good for helping get off to sleep/ waking in the night. You can download them onto an MP3 player or get them on CDs. Libraries have lots of books on CD if you want to experiment. Very good for distracting your mind if it's busy and your thoughts are keeping you awake.


This is similar to what I use. I listen to relaxation videos on YouTube, there are all different kinds, music, reading, nature sounds, meditation techniques...you can create a playlist, stick your headphones in and relax.

One of my favourites is a lady reading a book in whispered russian, I can't understand a word she's saying but that's part of the charm, just her quiet voice and the sounds of the pages turning send me to sleep in no time! :)

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