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Alarm clock suitable for a young child

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Any good ideas about where we can get one from in town. Doesn't need to be owt fancy but just functional and affordable. Cheers.


if it's a loud alarm clock you need to wake your child up for school try the brigghouse ans rastrick brass band that will wake up anyone at any time

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Kind of agree. Waking up around 6 or 7 am is natural for children and the op does make it sound like its because the child is spoiling their weekend lay-ins. I have a 3 going on 4 year old and at that age they can't get up and work a modern TV with remote control and 100's of channels. Personally doesn't bother me because I'm always awake early anyway. Also if there's only 1 child they won't want to stay in the bedroom and play like they would if they had siblings to play with. They just want to be with Mummy and Daddy. If there's 2 parents which I presume there is as the op stated 'us' then take it in turns to get up, that way each parent gets the occasional lay-in and child gets some one on one bonding time with each parent. There's also the possibility of getting yor child in to the bad habit of staying in bed too long which could affect there future. I know people my age (38) who can't hold a job because they sometimes can't be bothered to get up.


That should be 38, but on a forum that's so against text speak won't let you put an 8 and a close bracket together without changing it to a smiley. Surely it's the same thing???


Just one of the many pitfalls of having kids, I know I used to be one :hihi: but yes they can be a pain but you will know with having a young one yourself, they are so full of beans.


I know the weekend is lie in time, but I'm afraid kids don't understand lie in's and when they are up, they like everyone up sadly.

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we use the gro clock for our son differentiate between night and day as he struggles with this. some children think 3am is playtime just because they have woken up. and is especially more difficult when the early mornings and night Times are still light. so to "train" certain children when it is actually time for bed and morning time at this point while it's still dark in a morning is a good idea so they know that once it turns light in morning but it's still very early they know that if the clock says it's bedtime. it's still bedtime!! obviously your child needs to old enough to understand this concept of the clock. my son is 3 he is just learning. x

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good point zebbadee,but you might get cautioned about your writing.are you sure your alarm has gone off allowing you to reply to this thread.:hihi:


:D I admit I'm terrible at writing and making any sense. I write as the words come in my head and usually ends up a load of cobbles but it makes sense to me :roll: suppose my English teacher never did such a good job or maybe I just didn't listen well enough:D

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This thread is a great example of how good and bad Internet advice can be.


Thank you for the folk who offered ideas as WE asked for. Keyboard warriors/www super nannies wit' chip on t'shoulder . . . Get a life or pick a suitable emoticon. x

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