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Smoking in the Street


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Smokers do not allow this.


Should be banned full stop. It is anti social, and even long after a smoker has put a fag out, they stink to high heaven.


Often the smokers in "open spaces" are still smoking illegally too, and they don't like being told that they are doing so.


It's a disgusting habit that should be illegal in this more enlightened age anyway.


Smokers in this country already have more restrictions placed upon us ,than in many many other countries around the world. You non smokers have things pretty much all your own way as it is.


Also , how would you know people still smell after putting their cig out ?........... unless you go round smelling people :suspect:

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Also , how would you know people still smell after putting their cig out ?........... unless you go round smelling people :suspect:


Because I get in the lift sometimes with people who've just been out for a fag and they smell like a chemical factory.


Having said that I don't agree with the relentless pursuit of them. They harm themselves but they pay lots of tax. It's not like they're stomping kittens or anything is it?

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if this is all you have to worry about you must have a good life, so many more things in this world that want fixing and the argument for banning smoking is silly just think of prohibition and no I do not smoke but it does not bother me if other people want to. more concerned about the fumes I breathe in form cars and trams and buses oh and the asbestos that I came into contact with many years ago as this can take up to thirty years to show.

anyway happy new year to all you smokers and non smokers

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As a non smoker, i find the opening poster and supporters very sad.


The air has never been cleaner, the number of smokers had droped. Yet the spoilers still want their pound of flesh.


Leave the smokers alone, drinkers and drivers too.


Without the above groups , you would no doubt be moaning about your increased tax bill.



Well said.

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if this is all you have to worry about you must have a good life, so many more things in this world that want fixing and the argument for banning smoking is silly just think of prohibition and no I do not smoke but it does not bother me if other people want to. more concerned about the fumes I breathe in form cars and trams and buses oh and the asbestos that I came into contact with many years ago as this can take up to thirty years to show.

anyway happy new year to all you smokers and non smokers


My favourite drugs have been banned in the last few years and they were much less dangerous than both alcohol and tobacco. Why should smokers get away with it?

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Roy Castle.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Not conclusive.Just supposed as he played trumpet in smoky clubs for a number of years.My mum,last month died of lung cancer....NON SMOKER.Dident play trumpet in smoky clubs ect.It dosent always follow on.....

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Not conclusive.Just supposed as he played trumpet in smoky clubs for a number of years.My mum,last month died of lung cancer....NON SMOKER.Dident play trumpet in smoky clubs ect.It dosent always follow on.....


Sorry to hear about your mum but you can be near smokers without being in a club, until they banned it in pubs everybody who went in one was subject to passive smoking, they used to allow it on public transport too

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Sorry to hear about your mum but you can be near smokers without being in a club, until they banned it in pubs everybody who went in one was subject to passive smoking, they used to allow it on public transport too


Yes.Fair point denlin,this was true,although mum wasent a pub person she would have (over the yrs) breathed smoke fumes but again passive smoking is just assumed.Its like we are all doomed wether we smoke or not :o

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