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Tories call for Welfare Card for benefit claimants

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The point is that they wish to humiliate people who are on benefits by making them produce a "I am a scrounger" card when they go to the cash desk in supermarkets. One of Cameron's friends would be allowed to run the scheme and allowed to make millions for himself in the process.


I agree, plus while us little people are bickering about this type of thing the rich Tory boys and their mates are coining it in.

They don't call them the nasty Tory party for nothing.

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I agree, plus while us little people are bickering about this type of thing the rich Tory boys and their mates are coining it in.

They don't call them the nasty Tory party for nothing.


Did someone mention tory boys?





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Or in other words I sense a large IT firm lobbying for the business of implementing a new IT system for the government.


Investment bank JP Morgan (the people who pay Tony "nice guy" Blair £2 million a year for "advice") administer the U.S. food stamp program at considerable profit to themselves.


Maybe Tony can "advise" them how to get in on the action here in the UK.

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Investment bank JP Morgan (the people who pay Tony "nice guy" Blair £2 million a year for "advice") administer the U.S. food stamp program at considerable profit to themselves.


Maybe Tony can "advise" them how to get in on the action here in the UK.



Tony Blair is nothing to do with this thread. You may as well make a comment about the mating habits of a dung beetle as that. Kindly stick to the thread or start a separate one.:(

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That is just really pathetic! As are the dim wits who take the bait and allow their attention to be so easily directed towards the tuppenny dole bandits, and thus continue to fail to see the ongoing ways in which they are really cheated and robbed by the big business fraudsters and their politician friends.


Furthermore, if the stinking rich control freaks who run the country put as much energy into thinking about job creation as they do obsessing about how they can better control the lives of people on benefits, they wouldn't be doing such a crap job.

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Investment bank JP Morgan (the people who pay Tony "nice guy" Blair £2 million a year for "advice") administer the U.S. food stamp program at considerable profit to themselves.


Maybe Tony can "advise" them how to get in on the action here in the UK.


He's probably involved for all we know. A despicable creature. Lower than a Tory.

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well i think it like the rest of the system we the ordinary people have very little say in what actually happens. ohh i know you have your chance to change things every election but really aren't they all as bad or good as each other??.

its only the people at the top who are getting along nicely thank you, as for the rest of us its as its always been the survival of the fittest.

and with the way the press is demonisiing certain sections of the population there is very little chance of real change at all. take the disability population who are facing just as much persecution now as before the Olympics.

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It could be a good idea if the unemployed people got some kind of discount on the essential goods, but I think it would be a bad idea if instead of getting money they give these so called cards out, it was like that in the old days when employers would pay workers in vouchers to use in the company shops the Tories would like to get it back to means tests and sell your furniture and goods and stand in soup kitchen ques before you get any help, back to Victorian times.

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It could be a good idea if the unemployed people got some kind of discount on the essential goods, but I think it would be a bad idea if instead of getting money they give these so called cards out, it was like that in the old days when employers would pay workers in vouchers to use in the company shops the Tories would like to get it back to means tests and sell your furniture and goods and stand in soup kitchen ques before you get any help, back to Victorian times.


It would be a very good idea if all essential goods were not taxed at all. Even though fuel poverty is becoming very serious the tory boys are still taking their pound of flesh in VAT!!:mad:

Food of course is also taxed indirectly by the tory boys.

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