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Are Sheffield Folks Bah humbugs or Happy at Xmas ??

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I know its the time of year to be Festive and Jolly and Happy ,

but i must admit im abit of a Bah humbug :hihi::hihi:, In fact id say xmas time is just for Young kids , i know mine looking forward to what santa bringing them :)


But for Adults its just a time to Eat and Eat and drink and see family members

and spend dosh you havent got.


im seeing alot of sheffield Grumpys about as well (like me lol)

So Are us Sheffield Folk Happy at Xmas OR Bah Humbugs and cant wait for it to end ;)


---------- Post added 18-12-2012 at 11:42 ----------


Happy BAH HUMBUG to you ALL X

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I'm not a Bah Humbug, but I find the whole thing a bit depressing.


When I go into shops I see the lonely old pensioners buying their meals for one and their bottle of christmas brandy while being shoved about by women buying presents for the neighbours sisters dog. There's too much pressure on people to have this perfect christmas and they go nuts spending money on pointless gifts for people who don't care.


This year me and my Hubby are going away for Christmas for the first time ever. The only 'presents' we have given are donations to charity, and I made christmas cakes for my family members and I feel glad I don't have the stress of arranging a 'proper' christmas!

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Personally, i absolutely love Christmas it's the only time when my entire family get together for silly amounts of time, play games like jenga and talk. for me christmas isn't about food, drinking or gifts. its about family, and in my eyes my family is the best gift i could recieve

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Personally, i absolutely love Christmas it's the only time when my entire family get together for silly amounts of time, play games like jenga and talk. for me christmas isn't about food, drinking or gifts. its about family, and in my eyes my family is the best gift i could recieve


Why not get together more often?I like the idea of playing Jenga-is that where people try to make an erection of wooden blocks?

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If you are having a nice christmas, then remember, the following 3 weeks won't be fun for everyone, fo example


  • People suffering from a messy devorce and soon to lose their home
  • People living on their own, because there single
  • People suffering from the vomiting virus, especially those who have diorhea as well - its a dilema working out which end to put over the toilet and deciding if you want to poo or vomit on the bathroom floor
  • People being captured by Islamic rebels in the middle east who are suffering torture
  • People whos homes have been bombed in an air raid
  • People who have recieved a redundancy notice and are going to be in financial dire straights come the new year
  • People who have discovered their husband or wife in bed with someone else
  • People who have been kicked out of their home, despite the fact it was them who got cheated on
  • People who have been given a bill from the CSA for back pay for the past 18 years



So not everyone is having a good time

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