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Home doppler machines


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Has anyone got one of these and would you recommend them? I am thinking of buying one but worried that unless i buy a really expensive one, it may be unreliable which may make me really anxious?


I thought it would be nice to have one so me and my husband can listen to the baby's heartbeat when we like but maybe it might not be a good idea.


Any thoughts or opinons on this would be grateful :)

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I would say they are a personal choice, they could cause more panic than happiness in my opinion as if you don't find the heartbeat, even in completely innocent circumstances then I know only to well the feeling that arrives with it.

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I bought mine off amazon here I only paid £20 for it though. Its one of the most reassuring things, some days I didnt feel him move (my placenta is at the front) and all I had to do was listen to his heart beat. Made me feel tonnes better. I heard the heartbeat from 14 weeks (although it did take a while to find at first... just dont panic) I still the doppler now at 34 weeks :)

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