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Burncross? Whats it like?

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Burncross is a very quiet area, have a look on crime mapping to give an idea of whats happening locally. My partners parents live there and its very quiet and nothing much happens. Tends to be an over 50 area in general, but a few younger people are moving in now. Its very nice indeed.

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can anyone tell me what Burncross is like please.

Just that Ive found a house we're interested in, but wanted to see what the area was like first.


It's a lot better than a lot of places. My dtr, son in law have lived their for about 12 years and the most trouble they've had was an old lady objecting to my grand children playing on the street outside her house when it was sunny. It was all settled when my daughter hired a tank and flattened the lady's house, and now the children play on the flattened area. (the last sentence wasn't true).

Edited by pitsmoorlad
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Burncross is a nice area, I lived there in the eighties and still have family who live there


A few nice pubs :) crown and cushion do excellent meals

A spar (of course)

good medical centre

good schools

good bus routes


Chapeltown only next door with all the shops and eateries you could want

and Asda of course


Chapeltown park is a nice open area


on the doorstep to the M1


yes I would deffo recommend :)

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