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Thornbridge, go away


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Same here.


It was a reoccuring gripe on recent travels. Wherever I went I found people saying it was overpriced and not as good as it used to be.


Happily there are plenty of other beers out there such as Raw Grey Ghost, Summer Wine Diablo and Buxton Axe Edge doing that style quite well.

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Ah back on this subject.


To summarize, I don't subscribe to the idea that a business should be boycotted because somebody, somewhere down the line happens to have an offensive wife.


I'm more concerned that Jaipur might not be as good as it used to be, a concern I've heard raised by quite a few people now.


And as to Thornbridge taking over pubs, if it improves the pubs then I don't see a problem. I may have issues with prices and lack of guest ales but at the end of the day I'd rather have a drink in The Greystones now it's thornbridge. Before it was a place I very much avoided.


Can't disagree with anything here. I love the way you describe EH as an "offensive wife." Kudos sir, kudos.


My own view is that Thornbridge still brew some of the best beers around and are a fantastic addition to our city. Long may they continue to brew and open nice pubs. Can't say I've had Jaipur enough to notice a difference but since I now have the perfect excuse I shall partake in one tomorrow and see what I think.

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As for the OP, well word fail me. Grow up, start a brewery, do it differently and compete. Its called a market.


Or if you have your own personal reasons not to purchase a particular brand then don't - that is your choice. It's called a market.

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Unfortunately, it is tough to find a better local brewery than Thornbridge. Bottom line is that it is great beer!


Buxton are very good, I rate Raw brewery in Chesterfield as well. Steel City and Brew Company also do some good stuff. Seeing as I was happily drinking Gorlovka Stout on Saturday I think Acorn deserve a mention too.


Not too futher afield there's Magic Rock, Summer Wine and Mallinson's in West Yorkshire.


We've got some pretty decent local breweries round here, some of which do plough the same hoppy furrow as Thornbridge.

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