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Sheffield Antiques Quarter

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I guess you have to think about when people would make an effort to travel to an antique quarter. It's easy for me because I just live round the corner, I already know it's there and I also know that it's better to go on a weekday, early afternoon when the shops are open and you can easily park on-street, for free. But will all the shops be open at the weekend when people might want to shop? And is there anywhere to park if you do (not exactly a shed load of space to park at the moment) And how far do you set out the quarter, who do you exclude? The easy bit is for the traders to agree it's a great idea, the hard bit is to agree the details...

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The 'Sheffield Antiques Quarter' is a great development for Sheffield and builds on strengths that already exist in the area. It would be exactly what the name suggests and as a 'new' Quarter for Sheffield would be of appeal to locals and tourists alike. The many centres, shops, cafes and related businesses in the area are working with partners within Sheffield City Council, the South & Central Community Assemblies, local groups, Welcome to Yorkshire and others to develop a unified strategy for marketing and development. We seek to utilise available resources to draw attention to the area and make general improvements. Brown Signage is on the agenda and we have been informed of the process and cost. With 6 large centres and around another 10 shops selling vintage, retro, antique and arts wares, in partnership, we feel signage is a feasible option. The area spans a 1.5mile stretch from the end of The Queens Road down Broadfield Road to return along the Abbeydale Road. We intend to develop a trail that highlights the River Sheaf and sites of interest and are working hard to achieve something we believe will be very good for Sheffield ... We are on facebook and also have a website with current developments...


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The only problem being that there aren't any high quality antique shops in Sheffield, it's all mostly junk at the moment. On the bright side I suppose this initiative could help bring some better antiques shops to the area.


I think the problem might be Sheffielders obsession with getting things cheap.

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The only problem being that there aren't any high quality antique shops in Sheffield, it's all mostly junk at the moment. On the bright side I suppose this initiative could help bring some better antiques shops to the area.


I think the problem might be Sheffielders obsession with getting things cheap.

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Lets have a CHINATOWN too.......


I don't think Sheffield has an area large enough that could be defined as a Chinatown. There could be a Chinavillage, or possibly a Chinahamlet.


London Road is quite diverse with lots of interesting shops, perhaps the council could divide that quarter into eighths?




PS. I didn't know quarter has so many different definitions: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/quarter I like "the side part of the wall of a horse's hoof" best.

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