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Without Rescue Centres - I wonder


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I worry every single day about survival.


We at Rain Rescue are a tiny rescue - and whilst we do fabulous work, and have great volunteers and a fabulous reputation - we run on such a low budget its always a wonder if we can carry on next year, -will we be here for the year after.


Looking around South Yorkshire at the other rescues, they are all struggling. Struggling for cash and for volunteers.


At the moment, its terrible for pets in crisis and people who are in crisis with their pets - what to do when they need help - but without those small centres there -o just what will happen to the pets.


Does anyone care, has anyone thought about it, or will it be a case of we will all just have to close our eyes and pretend its not happening.


A very sad thought to go to bed on.

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Don't go to bed on that thought, there are lots of people who do care.


There is little doubt that this is a really bad time for many people, financially and also so many with housing problems meaning that they have to give up their pets, so little money to go around.


Without the little rescues so many people and their pets would be in big trouble...really it is unthinkable, if everyone just did or gave something very small the collective result would be massive.

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I worry every single day about survival.


We at Rain Rescue are a tiny rescue - and whilst we do fabulous work, and have great volunteers and a fabulous reputation - we run on such a low budget its always a wonder if we can carry on next year, -will we be here for the year after.


Looking around South Yorkshire at the other rescues, they are all struggling. Struggling for cash and for volunteers.


At the moment, its terrible for pets in crisis and people who are in crisis with their pets - what to do when they need help - but without those small centres there -o just what will happen to the pets.


Does anyone care, has anyone thought about it, or will it be a case of we will all just have to close our eyes and pretend its not happening.


A very sad thought to go to bed on.


I dont think no one cares. The problem is that most people don't even know there are many rescue centers or shelters around that need help. And I am one of them. I have mde a donation via PayPal just now and will continue to do so whenever I can.

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Orangezoo, that is kind of you, thank you.

It is a constant worry for Rain. It just takes over your life. There is so much to do hands-on, and fundraising is just so hard.

Rain has mentioned before that if everyone who has benefitted from their hard work, and there is a lot - if everyone would just remember Rain at the beginning of each month and use the text payment (below), what a difference that would make. It doesn't need to be a large amount of money, just a guaranteed amount.

Rain wouldn't need to go to bed worrying where the next penny is coming from. Vet bills, food bills, van repair bills don't go away at bed time.

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I don't think that nobody cares either- I think that many people have some sort of naive rosy glow which assumes that the omnipotent organisation that brings love and salvation to all unwanted animals (i.e. the RSPCA) will scoop up every unwanted animal and magic up a perfect home for all of them, with new owners who will lavish love and veterinary care on the animals.


That's not the same as not caring. They do care, but they think that the issue doesn't exist because the rescue sector is well-funded, has endless places available and a never-ending supply of fabbo homes. That's where the education needs to be- in showing these people that the issue DOES exist and that there DOES need to be a whole raft of things happen in order to make the situation better.


The things that need to change vary from not taking on pets if you haven't planned properly for them, through neutering all your animals and making sure that your own animals don't add to the problem, to supporting your local rescues with money, time, goods and promotion to others, and spreading the word that the issue is there and that EVERYBODY needs to play a part in healing everything.

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Well said Medusa,every single word so very true, the words which always annoy is the, oh I'm going to rehome my dog/ cat/rabbit, any thing really, the magical rehome word, seems to make them feel better,


Also I realy hate I'm going to get rid.


I think people need to stop breeding, if only for a while, even pedigree dogs, them maybe all the people who truly want and have the time and money, to look after a pet, would either wait to make sure, or maybe take one of the thousands in rescue.


Animals these days are just too disposable

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I tweeted James Thornton ( husband of Jo Page of Gavin & Stacey fame and dog lover ) today about the great work done by RR and he retweeted to his 51000 followers with the website address!


Nice one Mr Spoon, lets hope that brings a few pennies in

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Ooo don't know Gingers, Have a go and I will let you know - I can see the donations increase when they are made. If you do one for £1 - I can see if go through.


I bet you can change your options somehow in the phone, but its beyond my technicalities

I'm afraid.


I feel that the problem is so huge - and yes - its just hard to see it happening so much - but there is such a massive pet loving population out there - thats bigger than the dumpers - I bet dumping, abuse and cruelty will only probably be 1/10th of the pet owning population- and so it just hurts to be at the loosing end all the time.


Its amazing just how much money must go through the pet industry - that some of that money can't be used to give a leg up to those pets that so need help. I know all animal welfare organisations are severely struggling at the moment - and the small ones will probably end up going to the wall in the end.


Sad though it all is.

Edited by Rainrescue
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