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Digital Region Project may seek commercial operator to rescue it


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I'm being pedant? you pulled me on my reading skills---


Straight after you accused me of lying



You do realise that estimated times are grossly exaggerated to allow for any problems installing the network, problems powering up, blocked ducting etc. We were estimated originally for December 2013, due to little issues it was live march 2013. The estimate was changed about June/July 2012.


How do you know the BT fibre network in your area wasn't practically ready to go "live" in your area anyway? When my son spoke to BT in February 2013, he was told there was a delay and it could be another six months.


Your previous post assumes that BT was installed within "A month" or so" just because DR was already "live" and that is utter crap. Most of the network must have already been installed because as I have said, to achieve what you said is impossible.


You made an assumption that I said that


"altered their fibre roll out plan, installed the cabinet, powered it, installed the fibre cable and tested it all up and running within one month"


I have shown you what I said twice, and asked for proof what you said I said , but evidently you cannot, so you picked me up on 2 letters and 2 words, out of a sentence of 26 words 2 numbers and 2 letters.


I will put it in simple terms what I said so there is no mistake.


I got in touch with BT about FTTC they said 18 months before I could get it.


Origin said within days as soon as I filled the forms in


Within a month or so of me joining Origin there was a cabinet at the side of the Origin one advertising BT Infinity.

Whether they have "they altered their fibre roll out plan, installed the cabinet, powered it, installed the fibre cable and tested it all up and running within one month" I DO NOT KNOW.


All I can say is that there was a cabinet at the side of the Origin one.


IMO the ones at fault are BT, but you won't accept that will you?

Edited by Paul Blade
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Straight after you accused me of lying


When on this thread have I ever done that?


You made an assumption that I said that


"altered their fibre roll out plan, installed the cabinet, powered it, installed the fibre cable and tested it all up and running within one month"


Yes I did, because you made the assumption that BT only rolled out because DR was in the area all set up and "live" which isn't the case, if it was, BT wouldn't have been able to achieve that in the time scale you said. Impossible.


I was quoted at least 18 months to get BT fibre Origin within days

within a month or so there was a box advertising BT fibre to the area funny that isn't it


Have you not read anything I have said about BT rollout, remember this is from experience, not from "what I think has happened or not happened"


Let me remind you-


We were estimated originally for December 2013, due to little issues it was live march 2013.


That's nine months before original estimated "live" date.



we cant get DR or virgin.


Remember this too?


When my son spoke to BT in February 2013, he was told there was a delay and it could be another six months.


Three weeks later were "live".


IMO the ones at fault are BT, but you won't accept that will you?


BT are at fault? fault of what? not being able to give you an exact date and time when you would be able to use their fibre network?


You are assuming all the way, I'm working on experience.


but you won't accept that will you?


No I wont, there's no substitute for experience :)


You just wont except the fact you might be wrong ;)




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dr cost 100,000,000 and got 3000 customers, thats 33,333 prr customer, now thats what i call well run, the problem in sheffield was they put it near the centre and forgot people live further out so it was never going to work.

its either going to be run by bt or boynges telecom who are french!



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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I would much rather BT take it over than some French company I've never heard of.
God help us if BT takes over. at least you can speak to a human being within seconds at Origin if needed.

I have found them more than helpful,unlike big company deflective operatives that habitually lie through their teeth to get back to drinking coffee...............and that can be after an hours wait at the end of a menu to even talk to them.

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dr cost 100,000,000 and got 3000 customers, thats 33,333 prr customer, now thats what i call well run, the problem in sheffield was they put it near the centre and forgot people live further out so it was never going to work.

its either going to be run by bt or boynges telecom who are french!


I assume by "put it near the centre" you mean that they didn't do the extremely rural areas where it would have meant laying miles of fibre before even reaching an habited area. In which case, of course they didn't, that is hardly cost effective.


The plan was to lay it in highly populated areas, make a profit, then use that profit to cover the expense of reaching the rural areas. Unfortunately they made a massive assumption that ISPs would pay for all advertising of the network and so when no large ISP came on board, and phase 2 was dead in the water as none of the small ISPs had the money to advertise heavily enough.


What really ****** me of is that BT stick those massive "Fibre broadband" adverts on their cabinets, but Digital Region did not. Since then Origin have gone out and stuck adverts on some cabinets, but it was a bit late and they aren't as eye catching as the BT adverts.


God help us if BT takes over. at least you can speak to a human being within seconds at Origin if needed.

I have found them more than helpful,unlike big company deflective operatives that habitually lie through their teeth to get back to drinking coffee...............and that can be after an hours wait at the end of a menu to even talk to them.


Actually BT would likely be an improvement as it wouldn't alter who you spoke to at the ISP, but it WOULD alter who THEY spoke to when altering your line settings. Thales have been terrible for not wanting to tweak line settings, BT on the other hand have dynamic line management so you would never NEED to alter line settings.


While I do not entirely trust DLM myself, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that for most people its a huge improvement over the line settings Digital Region are willing to use.

Edited by AlexAtkin
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Is any of this going to effect Origin at all?


Well if no one buys the network then I suppose it will eventually run out of money and be switched off. So yes it would effect Origin and any other suppliers on there.

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To be honest that's what all businesses say even when they know things are going bad. You'll never get anyone who works for a company to say "Yes things are really bad right now and we fear the worst". They would be too worried about being fired.


I hope things turn out ok for all those involved in the digital region project.

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