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Corrupt tory scum

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Yes I have, I would set up a tribunal headed by a Judge, all parties would make their representations and the tribunal would allocate funds as they judged appropriate. Political activists would be able to devote time and effort to their cause as they wished, but they would not be able to donate money.


The amount of money from public funds would not be onerous and, as I stated earlier would clean up politics at a stroke.


So now we have Judges effectively deciding the outcome of elections, since they will determine the budget and amount of media exposure each party gets. Even better. :confused:

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Excellent, you've just signed taxpayer cheques for the BNP, SNP, British Freedom Party, Respect, Greens, Communists, Libertarians, English Democrats, The Christian Party, Socialists Workers Party, and a whole load of other minority parties.


Parties would only get funding if they win seats. To allow for smaller parties and for the bigger parties to raise a ceratin portion of their funding, donations would be strictly monitored and capped at say £5k. No more unions pulling the strings, no more Lord Ashcrofts. Sounds good to me.


The extreme parties you list would only win seats if we switched to PR and nobody is suggesting we do that. Don't mix the two things up.

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Can't be bothered looking through every post on here, but I see it's degenerated into the usual SF slag-fest.


This is exactly how the politicians get away with it. Cruddas, Milliband accepting hospitality from the owner of Hull City - they're all at it.


And as for the people saying this is an excuse to fund politicians from the public purse, why? Wherever the money comes from, politicians are a naturally bent breed and they get away with it because nobody votes for a party, but votes against the other lot.


And our media have got the cheek to suggest that the recent Russian election was fixed. Yeah, some of our polling stations closed early? And the well known scam of postal votes amongst some of our community.


Wise up and don't vote for any of them.

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Can't be bothered looking through every post on here, but I see it's degenerated into the usual SF slag-fest.


This is exactly how the politicians get away with it. Cruddas, Milliband accepting hospitality from the owner of Hull City - they're all at it.


And as for the people saying this is an excuse to fund politicians from the public purse, why? Wherever the money comes from, politicians are a naturally bent breed and they get away with it because nobody votes for a party, but votes against the other lot.


And our media have got the cheek to suggest that the recent Russian election was fixed. Yeah, some of our polling stations closed early? And the well known scam of postal votes amongst some of our community.


Wise up and don't vote for any of them.



No, we seem to have a genuine debate, publicly funded or not, the case for public funding has been oultined, we await the alternative proposals as to how this disgrace can be addressed.


Re the Crudass debacle, it is unlikely that any monies raised by this man would have passed tory central office scrutiny. None the less it shows the seamy side of tory politics as did the numerous similar incidents show labour in a bad light.

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Apart from the fact we are constantly being told that there is no money to pay for libraries, school sports, crossing patrols etc


What will need to be cut in order to divert money to political parties and how much will they need?


They could cut corruption.

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Excellent, you've just signed taxpayer cheques for the BNP, SNP, British Freedom Party, Respect, Greens, Communists, Libertarians, English Democrats, The Christian Party, Socialists Workers Party, and a whole load of other minority parties.


That is the main problem with publicly funded political parties, who decides which parties to fund & what are the criteria. Maybe there could be a cut off based on number of votes in the last election?


I think we could find a reasonable solution that works out much better than the current situation of politicians selling laws & lucrative government contracts to the highest bribe.


Just because a party is funded doesn't mean that you have to vote for them, I wouldn't have a problem with any of those parties being funded, even though most of them are even more repugnant than the main parties.

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