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Corrupt tory scum

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Those taxes won't double, Labour are not as stupid as that.


They go for things that poor people can't avoid, council tax, car insurance (tax), petrol (more than doubled since 1997 - 2010) those sorts of things, and not forgetting things such as the HIPs on homes.


Stealth taxes which hit the poorest paid the hardest


Poor people dont run cars where I live,many are exempt from council tax and HIPs on homes were never implemented.Are you refering to the budget of Lloyd George,Selwyn Lloyd,or Gorge Ozbourne?

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The evidence revealed in the Sunday Times on 25 March was that Cruddas not only acknowledged this crossover but positively boasted about it.


Cruddas told undercover reporters: "If you are unhappy about something … we'll listen to you and put it into the policy committee at No 10." The implication of being able to buy influence over policy was clear.


Nor was that all. It is illegal for foreign companies to give to British political parties, because of past abuse. Yet when the reporters said their money came from Liechtenstein, Cruddas proffered his "compliance unit" to disguise the source of the donations by routing them through a UK company or "registered" UK citizens. A device was being openly canvassed to get money illegally into Tory coffers.


Before the last election Cameron could not have been more explicit. "Secret corporate lobbying, like the expenses scandal, goes to the heart of why people are so fed up with politics … with money buying power, power fishing for money, and a cosy club at the top making decisions in their own interest."


He promised to sort it out. He appears not to have done so. We read of private suppers in the Camerons' flat, dinners at Downing Street and visits to Chequers, all sold for six-figure sums on the semi-open market, and with the "policy committee" come-on attached.





How can the PM not know what is happening? I know he meets a lot of people but are we seriously going to believe that random strangers came to his flat above Downing Street (rather tricky to get in uninvited i'd guess), and he not wonder why they are there?

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I find it quite amusing that , after having been assaulted by a custard pie , robert maxwell's paper now turns upon the conservative government amid claims of lobbying ! The "Illuminati'"s game is falling apart , let's follow it , could be fun !

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How can the PM not know what is happening? I know he meets a lot of people but are we seriously going to believe that random strangers came to his flat above Downing Street (rather tricky to get in uninvited i'd guess), and he not wonder why they are there?


perhaps he was just happy to have someone other than nick clegg and george osbourne to talk too

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I find it quite amusing that , after having been assaulted by a custard pie , robert maxwell's paper now turns upon the conservative government amid claims of lobbying ! The "Illuminati'"s game is falling apart , let's follow it , could be fun !


hasn't robert maxwell been dead for 30 years?

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In the run-up to the 1997 election, Channel Four set up a series of face-to-face interviews with current Tory ministers. Five marginal seats were chosen, each assigned a specific policy area: Health, education, employment.( I forget the other two). Basildon was the first to broadcast live. Our 'specialist subject' was employment.

Michael Heseltine came on to face the voters. He sat down and reached to the ground to pick up something that he had dropped.

A voice from the back called


'Dropped your brown envelope, have you?'


much to our amusement and Heseltine's fury.


The Tory party was wreathed in scandal at that time also, the 'cash for vote' controversy being at issue, This seems to have been forgotten in the mists of time. The latest revelations reveal an ongoing corruption which finances their political machinations. Little has changed.





Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson, Peter Cruddas.


Err, am I missing something or is David Cameron's judge of character just a tad



....And If this applies to the people who've been exposed; what does it say about those who haven't?

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"Secret corporate lobbying, like the expenses scandal, goes to the heart of why people are so fed up with politics … with money buying power, power fishing for money, and a cosy club at the top making decisions in their own interest."


Cameron was on the ball with that one.

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In the run-up to the 1997 election, Channel Four set up a series of face-to-face interviews with current Tory ministers. Five marginal seats were chosen, each assigned a specific policy area: Health, education, employment.( I forget the other two). Basildon was the first to broadcast live. Our 'specialist subject' was employment.

Michael Heseltine came on to face the voters. He sat down and reached to the ground to pick up something that he had dropped.

A voice from the back called


'Dropped your brown envelope, have you?'


much to our amusement and Heseltine's fury.


The Tory party was wreathed in scandal at that time also, the 'cash for vote' controversy being at issue, This seems to have been forgotten in the mists of time. The latest revelations reveal an ongoing corruption which finances their political machinations. Little has changed.





Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson, Peter Cruddas.


Err, am I missing something or is David Cameron's judge of character just a tad



....And If this applies to the people who've been exposed; what does it say about those who haven't?


It beggars belief really. Cash for votes, 1996. Cash for honours, 2006. Now this.


Don't they learn? All the parties are corrupt.

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