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Fairthorn children's home at Dore


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There's a notice in this weeks Sheffield Telegraph that the old Fairthorn building in Dore is to be demolished.

It used to be a charity to get children from slum areas of Sheffield a bit of country air.

Does anyone have any memories of being resident there that could be included in a short article in a local community magasine?

Any other info would be much appreciated.

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I spent a week at Fairthhorn in the early 1930,s From what i remember of it it was then at Redmires,right next to the moors I still remember a song we sang


Fairthorn by the sea

Fairthorn by the sea

Its lovely in the sunshine

just the place for me

Beware of Mr Clements

Beware of matron too

they will lock you in the garage

and slap your how do you do

It must have done me some good as my health wasnt very good those days am now 81 and fit as a fiddle

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I went there in the 1960s, the rooms were colour coded pink, green, yellow and blue. I remember being in the green room

all the walls and bedding were green, then when we went to the dining room my group had green crockery and cutlery.

I loved the fresh air and the long walks that we went on.

Sometimes we could hear the fox hunters bugling and the hounds braying and we would run inside thinking that they were going to come into the playground. I also remember our parents coming to visit us they would leave us a postal order then we were taken to the post office to cash them ,we could buy presents and sweets with the money.

I have very happy memories of Fairthorn.

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  • 1 year later...

i remember going to fairthornes in the sixties best two weeks of my life my mother couldent afford to send us on holliday and it was the first time I had been away from home but the only time I was homesick was when I had to go home If I remember right i was also in the green room I remember the postal order from home ten bob felt like a millionaire I also remember they did an experiment with a steam driven engine that when you all linked hands and toutched it it would give you a tingle we used to be given chores to do each day like pollishing the silver or tidying up but we loved every minuet I also remember on the last day we used to have a concert I sang tin soldier by cliff richards and dressed up like one with a drum happy days




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Fullwood was the 2nd homes i was placed in (5-6yrs).In the 30s poorer children were automatic placed in some type of home while mum was having her 1st or 10th kid this was for about 2wks, my first memory was at either 18months or 3yrs old being dumped sheets and all into a bath of ice cold water, the kind house mums were just trying to teach me not to mess the bed by ducking my head a number of times under the water

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i can remember some kids from my school in the fifties going to fairthorn .we knew it as a kind of converlesant school. i can remember the collecting tins in our school for it for a penny you got a paper daisy to pin onto your clothes. one of our teachers was connected to fairthorn so we were always having jumble sales for them.

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My time at Fairthorn goes way back to the forties. We had moved to Abbeydale from Tinsley after being bombed out and I was a bit undernourished as were many young kids because of rationing. I knew very little about country life then and liked being there in the fresh air, though I was very homesick at first. The only reason I didn't run away is I didn't have a clue on where to go. So I stuck it out, and was much better for it.

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