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Hallam Fms 5 brides - 1 bride in hospital

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I can not believe what I have just seen, heard, read.


Hallam Fm are doing the 5 brides 1 wedding competion for a couple to win a £25,000 wedding. 5 couples had been selected to raise as much money as they could for cash for Kids and the couple who raised the most wins.


BUT this has now been put on hold.


Due to couple number 5 having to pull out. THe bride is currently in hospital after being stabbed by her fiance.


what do people think of this? is it fair on the other brides?


report is here



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On hold with plans to continue with the remaining 4 couples next week.


Hallam FM’s 5 Brides 1 Wedding has been put on hold following an incident that’s been brought to our attention.


One of the couples has had to withdraw from the contest. It’s our intention is to bring the competition back next week with the remaining four couples, if this is appropriate in light of the incident.


We’d just like to reassure you that all the money raised throughout the competition will still go directly to the Cash For Kids charity, and we would like to thank everyone involved for their support of the couples and Hallam FM – it’s very much appreciated.

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Are Hallam FM not reporting this on their news?

I've got Hallam on today, and haven't heard this


They've mentioned it is being delayed due to an 'incident' about half a dozen times today, but never said what the incident was.

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