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Has anyone here been to Suffolk?

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We're off to Suffolk next Saturday for the week, and it's a county I know absolutely nothing about. We are going to the Bury St Edmunds/Stowmarket area. Does anyone have any suggestions for picturesque villages, nice seaside towns, interesting places etc? Furthest i've been down that coast is Southwold, anywhere between there and the Thames will be new to me.

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Bury St Edmunds is a lovely place.


Ipswich doesn't have much to offer if I'm honest.


Also, Felixstowe is an OK seaside town, even with the massive docks on 1 side of the town.


I might be able to comment of Great Yarmouth, just over the border in Norfolk if I'd been anywhere near the seaside part of that town.

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Suffolk is lovely, very rural and unspoilt. Southwold, Aldeburgh, Walberswick, Dunwich, Woodbridge, Orford are all worth a visit, and if you're interested in birds there's the RSPB centre at Minsmere. Further down on the Essex border there's Dedham Vale which is beautiful, and of course Flatford and the whole Constable thing, a bit of a tourist mecca but lovely. Enjoy :)

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I used to live just outside Stowmarket, which was in itself a nice little town.. I imagine it's changed a fair bit since I lived there though. Nearby Needham Market was a nice village too.


Bury St Edmunds was also a nice little town, slightly larger and busier than Stowmarket..


Ipswich is really the principle town, was always clean.. plenty of nice shops, decent nightlife.. when I was down that way.


Ordford Ness is worth a visit if you like either a bit of wildlife/bird spotting... and cold war era weirdness...


But as mentioned above Suffolk if very rural, just a drive around it's many meandering lanes will bring you to many nice quaint villages and hamlets.. with their pink thatched cottages

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Suffolk is lovely,we have family down there,lots of nice pub meals and the people are so much friendlier.We visited lots of seaside places cant remember their names offhand.Fish and chips are to die for in felixstowe the markets too are very good, hope you have a smashing time down there.Theres a place called aldenborough or aldborough thats a seaside village i may have typed name wrong. Clacton on sea is worth a visit if you dont mind a bit of driving to get there. x

Edited by teenyweeny
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Suffolk is lovely,we have family down there,lots of nice pub meals and the people are so much friendlier.We visited lots of seaside places cant remember their names offhand.Fish and chips are to die for in felixstowe the markets too are very good, hope you have a smashing time down there.Theres a place called aldenborough or aldborough thats a seaside village i may have typed name wrong. Clacton on sea is worth a visit if you dont mind a bit of driving to get there. x


Clacton is in Essex and I wouldn't particularly recommend it, but neighbouring Jaywick is worth a look just for the experience :hihi: Have a pint in the Never Say Die pub if you dare.


Or go to this pub which is much nicer:



Edited by lectrolove
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Suffok is a cyclist's dream. If you don't have your own bikes, hire a couple - there are cycle hire places everywhere. Then take off with a map and see where you land up. There are lost churches to explore, gorgeous country pubs (have a pint of Adnam's for me) and acres of woodland to cycle through. Visit Iken Fen if you possibly can. You'll be back next year. Like us.

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If you like ducks, Minsmere comes highly recommended - there's about a million of them, or so it seems. :D


Parking in Aldeburgh and taking a walk along Orford Ness can consume an entire day if you're into scenic walking - from memory, it's about ten miles each way if you go all along the Ness to the far head.


Basically, as said above, if you just drive (or cycle) off in a random direction for a few miles, then as long as you don't end up in Ipswich you are certain to be somewhere interesting.

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If you like ducks, Minsmere comes highly recommended - there's about a million of them, or so it seems. :D


Parking in Aldeburgh and taking a walk along Orford Ness can consume an entire day if you're into scenic walking - from memory, it's about ten miles each way if you go all along the Ness to the far head.


Basically, as said above, if you just drive (or cycle) off in a random direction for a few miles, then as long as you don't end up in Ipswich you are certain to be somewhere interesting.


Lavenham is very nice as well. If you fancy something seasidey but not clacton try Walton on the naze or the slightly posher frinton on sea.


It's a very nice part of the world.

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Lavenham is very nice as well. If you fancy something seasidey but not clacton try Walton on the naze or the slightly posher frinton on sea.


It's a very nice part of the world.


Frinton-on-Sea is alright if you want to see everything that is repellent about rich people (and before you kick off, one of my best mates runs the only pub in Frinton)


Walton-on-the-Naze is much better then snobby old Frinton.

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