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Taking photos in public

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I have a question I think will divide the room. As an animator photographer I am very interested in taking photos of everything and anything. Now imagine A full gown man taking pictures in public of other peoples children :shocked:. If you saw this would your first thought be to think he is acting inappropriately?


Just opening it up..... that is all.:rolleyes:


Would it make a difference if it was a big camera on a tripod or a small snappy snap disposable? If he was far away or close up and talking to them? If they were Girls or boys?..... and no this isn't me :gag: its hypothetical, I just want to gage public opinion that is all!


It's hard for us guys these days, I wouldn't see anything wrong with me doing any of the above, but that is because I know me intentions are innocent. I would however get suspicious:suspect: if I saw this myself.


Sometime I can get put off taking a picture, The water fountain in the pease gardens in summer for example because of how it looks. Nobody has said anything so I might be worrying over nothing, but what is the most appropriate way to behave?

Edited by mrth
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If you were taking pics of my kids frolicking in water i'd probably smash your face in.

Wouldn't give a toss if you photographed me in just about any situation though.


I guess what you do could be deemed peado activity but as it's a public place you're not breaking any law.


Maybe there's a business opportunity here Peado guards "R" us.

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I used to have a full size lion in my front garden made of fibreglass (don't ask), and one day I looked out of the window to see some bloke with a real expensive camera taking pictures of it, he said he was from the University taking pictures of community life or some rubbish.

Anyhow I told him he was not welcome to take pictures of my house and I promptly chased him down the road with all intentions of ripping the camera from his neck and taking the film out. I did not catch the guy but I feel he got the point, or thought I liked is camera.

The thing that matters is he must have learnt something, as he was screaming some stuff running down the road with me not far behind even though I was in bare feet.


The point I am trying to make is I did not have kids back then, but now I do I consider them far more valuable than that lion, so I doubt I would be as slow if I was bare footed or not.


If I don't give you permission then I consider it a violation, and so should others.

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I would have come to your house at night and stole the fibre glass lion.


Does that make you worse than the potential 'fibro-lionophile'? :suspect:




I've not seen many full-size fibre glass lions in gardens, and I might have been tempted to photo the fibre glass lion too. I think hard2miss over reacted. Hence, stealing it seems the better option. And, you won't encounter his/her bare feet. :gag:

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I used to have a full size lion in my front garden made of fibreglass (don't ask), and one day I looked out of the window to see some bloke with a real expensive camera taking pictures of it, he said he was from the University taking pictures of community life or some rubbish.

Anyhow I told him he was not welcome to take pictures of my house and I promptly chased him down the road with all intentions of ripping the camera from his neck and taking the film out. I did not catch the guy but I feel he got the point, or thought I liked is camera.

The thing that matters is he must have learnt something, as he was screaming some stuff running down the road with me not far behind even though I was in bare feet.


The point I am trying to make is I did not have kids back then, but now I do I consider them far more valuable than that lion, so I doubt I would be as slow if I was bare footed or not.


If I don't give you permission then I consider it a violation, and so should others.


Did you get upset about passers by looking at your lion?

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If you were taking pics of my kids frolicking in water i'd probably smash your face in.

Wouldn't give a toss if you photographed me in just about any situation though.


I guess what you do could be deemed peado activity but as it's a public place you're not breaking any law.


Maybe there's a business opportunity here Peado guards "R" us.


What a man.

And what an amazing example you must be to your kids.:rolleyes:

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If I don't give you permission then I consider it a violation, and so should others.

What's to permit? If the man wasn't on your land and he was touching nothing of yours, then what has he deprived you of? Does he need permission to capture light?

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