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Terrace house access rights?


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I live in a rented end terrace house and my neighbors recently got an Alsatian dog which lives outside in their yard. Its pretty nasty so now we cant gain access through the back and have to take our smelly bins through the house which is horrible and embarrassing :( And to add to it our letter box is on the back so now we don't get our post either :( The family that live their are foreign and don't seem to understand much English. I asked my landlord about at least getting a letter box on the front but he just said it wasn't his problem.


Does anyone know if I have a legal right to access through their garden for my bins?




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You might well have, yes. It's called an "easement" - a guaranteed right of access across somebody else's property, and terraced houses are often sold with easements when there's one alleyway to the back serving several houses.


To know if you have an easement, you'll need to look in your house's deeds.

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There are several ways of addressing this problem:


Write to or email the Post Office and explain the situation, they will most likely contact the owner of the dog over the issue of non-delivery of mail

Contact your local councillor

Contact Citizens Advice who may be able to give you some help


Good luck.

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If the only way to get to the front of your house is via your neighbours path then yes you legally do have right of way I live in a terraced house and my neighbours have to pass my back door to get to the front when I did have a large dog I made sure it was in a fenced enviroment so it didnt interfer with the right of way for them also if the dog in question does ever bite you they are liable I would have a word with the police regarding this they will at least tell you who to contact .

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The landlord should be helping you rather more than he is as he'll be holding the deeds for the house saying where the right of way is. I agree though most shared rear yards wyth terraced housses do have the right of way so you can access the back of your house. A trip to CAB could point you in the right direction and there's nothing to stop the dog owners putting up a compound for the dog so people can get past without being worried.

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Is your neighbours' house also rented? If it is, it might be something the landlords need to sort out between themselves. Even if it isn't I'm surprised your landlord is so blaze about this. If you decide to move, it will impact future tennants as well.


They are effectively blocking your access by having this dog there. It's not acceptable for you to be taking your bins out through the house.


Hope you manage to get things sorted out.

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Ask your landlord to check the plans for the house. On there rights of way will be stated and it's very likely that you legally have a right of way through the garden to the back of your property, as is pretty standard with terraced properties.


Once you can show for sure that you do have a legal right of way then a solicitor's letter sent by your landlord should start the ball rolling on getting the right of way back again. I think you do need your landlord's cooperation on this one, but it's in their interest that you aren't taking the bins through the house and that you can receive mail too.


In the mean time why not ask your landlord for a post box on the front of the house to enable you to receive mail? I'm sure that the postmen would prefer that too, and they're really not expensive, although obviously you will need his permission to drill into the front wall to mount it properly.


Once you've addressed the right of way issue you could think of calling in the RSPCA for the dog or asking the family whether they actually wish to keep the dog.

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I live in a rented end terrace house and my neighbors recently got an Alsatian dog which lives outside in their yard. Its pretty nasty so now we cant gain access through the back and have to take our smelly bins through the house which is horrible and embarrassing :( And to add to it our letter box is on the back so now we don't get our post either :( The family that live their are foreign and don't seem to understand much English. I asked my landlord about at least getting a letter box on the front but he just said it wasn't his problem.


Does anyone know if I have a legal right to access through their garden for my bins?





it would be unusual not to have access across your nieghbours part of the yard. have you been informed that the post office will not deliver? if so give your nieghbor a copy of the letter. if not contact royal mail [ by letter] and ask why you are not getting your mail. and as others have mentioned c.a.b. are good with this sort of thing.

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