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Warning - Fake Zorin on sale!


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Just been on the Zorin forums and a fellow Zoriner has just found this:




ZorinOS 6 is not out yet! Looks like this scammer has just pulled images from parts of the web that have highlighted this OS - so be warned! Don't have an e-Bay account (never intend to!) so cannot report this character!

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Ebay wouldn't do anything if you reported them anyway.


I've reported shill bidders with plenty of evidence, yet the same people are running the same scams.


I've reported clearly counterfit DVD sets yet the same people continue to sell the same dvd's.


It's against their interests to do anything becasue they make money from every transaction/listing.. the more stuff sells (legit or not) the more cash they rake in.


Oh and:

Yeah Christopher walken is a guy not to be trusted.


is a crap joke :hihi:

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Is this the worst 'scam ever' - selling an obscure Linux distribution that no one is interested in is hardly going to make millions is it? Seems like a lot of effort for zero return.


Who is Zorin for anyway? People who hate Windows enough to want to try Linux, but only if it looks a bit like Windows (lets not pretend it looks 'exactly like it').


Imagine the scene 'So you uninstalled Windows 7 so that you could put this on instead? WHY!'

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I've seen loads of batman the 60s show (Adam west) being sold on eBay on plain discs on the listing they say the show is public domain but I don't see how warner or dc don't own the rights to that


You see that on eBay a lot with emulator discs and Dreamcast games.


'This disc contains public domain games that are freely available on the internet, and complies with eBay rules.'


If you say so.

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The proprietors/Devs have already done just that. No I haven't replaced 7 it sits alongside it and I use it more than I do 7!:P At the moment I'm using Ultimate Edition 2.9 on the second hard drive of the same machine!:D

The main issue here is a guy (?) who has not spent any manhours developing a nice friendly GNU/Linux system for Windows users to feel comfortable with - and the version being sold is 5.2 (must be where he got the 7 from!) and it is freely downloadable from Heanet, NLUUG and ibiblio.org. And for all those name calling 7 fans who posted above, just take a read of this migrant's posting from the Zorin forums:


"For the longest time, I was just another unhappy Windows user. I am a SQL database analyst and web developer for a US software company that uses Windows clients and servers. I constantly considered using something other than Windows at home, but needed to be able to work from home in a stable OS environment. Mac wasn't really an option, due the financial restraints the accountant (aka. my wife) placed on me. So, that left me attempting a switch to Linux.


As a kid, our house used Windows, drove Fords, and voted Republican, etc... Dad's house, Dad's rules. ;) Anyway, while I was extremely knowledgeable and even trained to fix any issue in Windows, I was ignorant when it came to Linux. I admit, I was a bit nervous that I wouldn't be able to make the switch. At first, I was right. I tried Ubuntu 7.x. I could never get it to work right on a desktop or a laptop. More than likely my fault, not Ubuntu's. I tried again with 8.x, and while I could get it installed successfully and all hardware recognized, I couldn't connect to work. At that time, work used Windows VPN. Again, my lack of Linux knowledge really hurt me. However, with Ubuntu 10.x two things happened that finally put all the pieces together. Work switched to Anyconnect vpn software and I stumbled upon the openconnect package. Since then, the only Windows pc in the house is my wife's. God bless her. :D


I was now a relatively happy Linux user at home. However, while Ubuntu is a stable OS, for me it never felt finished. I always felt like I was using a beta version of software. Little things, that could make the end user's experience better were never done. And that was while Ubuntu used Gnome 2. When they switched to Unity, while I really liked the concept, I realized it didn't just feel like beta software, it was beta software. But, I persisted, using Unity through 11.10. I began to like it, but still couldn't shake the feeling that there were so many little things that were being missed. I felt like, Unity was moving forward without completely finishing previous advancements.


After 11.10 and reading about Ubuntu's plans to use type ahead in its 12.04 lense to replace application menus. I accepted that Ubuntu was not going to be the finished product I wanted, for a very long time. I began searching for another distro. I realized I needed to switch to a debian based OS, if I didn't want to begin the learning process all over again. I considered Linux Mint, but it, too, just didn't seem finished. It just felt like another work in progress. I continued searching.


Finally, this month, I read about Zorin OS on http://www.makeuseof.com. I also found reviews of Zorin OS on other websites, such as http://www.techrepublic.com written September '11, and http://www.pcworld.com written December '10. My initial impression was that Zorin OS looked finished, but I was concerned that it's attempt to provide an environment similar to Windows could fall short, again making it feel unfinished. I am happy to say, my concerns were unfounded.


Zorin is the most finished, stable and functional Linux OS I have ever used. The installation was the easiest Linux installation I have ever performed. Part of that is that I'm no longer completely Linux ignorant, and most of it is that Zorin just works out of the box. The only driver I had to provide myself was for my Broadcom wireless card, but I expected that. I've used Windows for years, I expect to have to provide some drivers after installation. Only having to provide one, far surpasses expectations. I chose the Win7 theme over the WinXP and Gnome themes that come with Zorin 5.2 Core, but switching between the three to try each one was easy as logging out and logging back in. Installing software is really no different than Ubuntu and I was able to install all of the software I had been using in Ubuntu.


But, for me, it's the little things that make an OS complete. I think the thing that really made me realize Zorin OS is my choice for a Linux distro was while adding indicator-sysmonitor to the startup applications list. In Ubuntu, if the software didn't include an option to add itself to the startup list, I would have to hunt down the software's execution command. I usually did this by opening the main menu settings from the system menu and looking at the properties of the menu item to find the command. I would then add a custom item to the startup application list. However, Zorin greatly impressed me when I found that if I right click on an application in the gnomenu, there's an option to add the application to the system startup. To me that's finish and functionality. Like I said, it's the little things.


So, in closing, thank you, Zorin OS team. You've provided a Linux OS that matches finish and functionality. I will recommend Zorin OS to anyone I know looking to switch to Linux and even those that aren't looking to switch.




Link: http://www.zoringroup.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1593

Edited by swarfendor43
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If the disc is likely to have been burnt by the seller rather than an official release, you can report them for that. Anything on a DVD-R or CD-R is not allowed :)


It's Linux, you're supposed to copy & distribute it, it's encouraged. I don't think ebay have any rules on selling burnt CD-Rs or DVD-Rs as long as they have the permission of the copyright holder (which they do - no matter what Zorin say).


Only thing that Zorin could possibly complain about is if they've trademarked their name & I don't see any 'TM' next to it on their website.


If Zorin are going after this guy then it's an attack on open source software, they don't have any right, they've just copied other people's software themselves.


Swarf, why not just use a proper Linux distro instead of one that tries to copy the worst bits of Windows?

Edited by anywebsite
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