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Please help.Advice needed. At my wits end with 2 labs


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So I have been in the house with them all morning but had to go very briefly out to local shops.

They lived in the dining room with an add on kitchen but I dont allow them in the kitchen due to trying to keep them away from food and dont want hairs on cooker etc.

Just returned to find that the lino has been pulled up away from fitted kitchen and corner of it chewed off. Very expensive lino. I am quite angry.

What is the right reaction. I scolded the dog and said BAD DOG. In a very strong voice.

Some people say that you should ignore it but that feels wrong somehow.

If I cant resolve this soon they will have eaten away my house.

Problem is that the house has got to be saleable and I have to keep it in a reasonable condition. Already bottom of oak kitchen has wee stains on and I cant seem to remove it.

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How much exercise have they had today? If you arn't giving enough exercise then he will react even when left for a short time.

However i would crate him when you leave the house this will eliminate chewed lino etc.

or another option is to walk in the local park and find some dogs to run around with !

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How much exercise have they had today? If you arn't giving enough exercise then he will react even when left for a short time.

However i would crate him when you leave the house this will eliminate chewed lino etc.

or another option is to walk in the local park and find some dogs to run around with !


This am at 7am they had a 20 minute walk. They have their main run this afternoon.

I am limited with time as work from home. Single parent with own business.

Are you saying that dogs who dont have at least 2 hours a day exercise all behave in this way?

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Not much help I know, but maybe someone who has more knowledge of Labradors in general, could help more, my niece had one many years ago, he too was golden is it the golden ones who are worse, anyway no matter how much exercise he had, he still ate her house, carpets plastered walls, the settee you name it he destroyed it, and he could empty the contents of the fridge with in minutes, and he never got any better, although she would never have parted with him she came close many times, and would never have another,


I do think they need an awful lot of attention and exercise and definately not a breed to be left alone for long, and you need to have an understanding of the breeds needs,


I really dont know how they would react to being crated either at this age, probaly make them worse.

I do wish you luck, you must be at your wits end but have to ask why did you get two

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So I have been in the house with them all morning but had to go very briefly out to local shops.

They lived in the dining room with an add on kitchen but I dont allow them in the kitchen due to trying to keep them away from food and dont want hairs on cooker etc.

Just returned to find that the lino has been pulled up away from fitted kitchen and corner of it chewed off. Very expensive lino. I am quite angry.

What is the right reaction. I scolded the dog and said BAD DOG. In a very strong voice.

Some people say that you should ignore it but that feels wrong somehow.

If I cant resolve this soon they will have eaten away my house.

Problem is that the house has got to be saleable and I have to keep it in a reasonable condition. Already bottom of oak kitchen has wee stains on and I cant seem to remove it.


I don't think its boredom, have you ever thought that because you are home with them most of the time they notice more when you go out and feel lonely! If you think that the majority of dogs get used to being on their own all day when the owners are out at work, yours are obviously not used to being on their own much. I would try and crate train them for when you go out.

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Crate training sounds like a good idea, nice and comfy with toys and bones to chew and one correctly sized crate each, the idea is to not make it a punishment but a nice place to be, so special toys/chews that are only allowed when in the crate, and gradual use building up over time...they are destroying your home you do not have to allow them to do that no matter how much you love them, and lets face it if they continue you really won't love them in the end will you.


I would also try to give these dogs individual time alone with you for training and walks if possible, if I remember correctly they are siblings? siblings are notoriously hard to keep together...I know it works for some people but for most 2 puppies are very hard and because they siblings they are very well matched in age and size and in the case of yours even sex so sorting out their pecking order can be difficult for them, plus they tend to work more as a pack and listen to each other more than they will listen to you.


A new exercise regime could be tried, perhaps stretch to an hour in the morning with off lead exercise so that they can settle down while you work, then the usual at night, it is really hard work I know but once they start to calm down a bit I'm sure it will all be worth it.

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I do think that a longer walk in the mornings is helpful, my dog max( no longer with us) was only small but without his morning walk was very naughty,and could be destructive if left without a walk. Labs are in nature working dogs hence high energy so after a sleep will be fully charged! raring to go and play or whatever , I too am a single parent of children of school age and wheelchair bound now Max in his later days had a fantastic dog walker but before i used to always make sure he had at least one hour before dropping my children at school and getting myself to work. Having two dogs of similar age is hard but not impossible, Max was crate trained but was walked at lunch time by my dog walker. The crate was a God send he had his bone in there but was so tired after his run he slept til we got home from school. all I am trying to say is more exercise in the morning along side a smaller meal and feed again a small meal in the evenings ( working dog variety) hope things improve

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This am at 7am they had a 20 minute walk. They have their main run this afternoon.

I am limited with time as work from home. Single parent with own business.

Are you saying that dogs who dont have at least 2 hours a day exercise all behave in this way?


Working dogs who don't have at least 2 hours exercise per day are more likely to behave this way, they would be much happier in a pack of dogs who will really give them a run for their money so's to speak.


Try and find a regular meet up or maybe have a dog walker take them for one of the two hours, it's bound to be much cheaper than replacing the various damaged articles in the house.

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Both dogs now zonked out after an hours energetic run with the long ball thrower in the park.

They look as if they have been drugged!

Yes they are siblings. Same litter puppies but one is a show dog and the other a gun dog. It is the gun dog that causes the problems.

Thanks very much for all the replies.


Watch this space.May crate them if the exercise regime doesnt work

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Just arrived back from work so find wee in front of dining room door. Dont know what happened as daughter now in bed.

Think that crating is the only answer??

The dogs were shattered so it cant be due to them not having any exercise.

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